Welcome to the University of North Texas Police Department.

The UNT Police Department is a nationally accredited agency and serves an integral role in campus life as the university's principal provider of safety and security for our faculty, staff, students, and visitors. As established in our Mission Statement, we are dedicated partners in maintaining UNT's legacy as a healthy and enriched educational environment.

The Department administers numerous services and programs that support individual wellbeing as well as convenience. Likewise, our highly trained professional staff serve in a variety of roles and are available through many means.

The UNT Police Department is located in the Sullivant Public Safety Center at 1700 Wilshire St. in Denton, Texas, neighboring Mozart Square Residence Hall and Sack-n-Save.

If you have any questions for the staff of the UNT Police Department, please contact us by phone or in person.


The University of North Texas Police Department's mission is to protect life, property, and individual rights. We will provide quality service in partnership with our community to create an environment that will aid and support the learning process.


The UNT Police Department will serve as a model for other departments on campus as well as other University Police departments in the State of Texas and the United States by:

  • Providing professional, non-biased service to all customers (students, faculty, staff, and visitors)
  • Enhancing problem-solving partnerships with our community
  • Working effectively as a team
  • Utilizing state-of-the-art technology to improve operations and communication


As members of the UNT Police Department, we adhere to the following values to guide our conduct:

  • We aspire towards professionalism in all aspects of our operation
  • We shall maintain the highest standards of integrity
  • We shall treat each other with mutual trust, fairness, and dignity as we strive to serve our community and accomplish our mission