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Releases : Science

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UNT researcher studies how plants defend against stress
New research at UNT aims to lessen the need for costly pesticides by arming plants with more effective natural defenses.
Research | Science

UNT researcher named member of prestigious academy
Witold Brostow, Regents Professor of materials science and engineering, was elected a member to the Ukrainian Academy of Petroleum and Gas.

UNT researcher named prestigious fellow of scientific society
Wes Borden, the Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry, was named to the inaugural class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society.

Art, technology leaders converge at UNT symposium
Art and technology leaders will explore challenges and opportunities in fostering creative art and technology research in a globalizing world and tough economic times.
Arts and Music | Science

UNT researcher wins prestigious national science award
Srinivasan Srivilliputhur has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award,
Research | Science

UNT researcher wins top U.S. award for young scientists
Rada Mihalcea, associate professor of computer science and engineering, was honored with the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor a beginning scientist or engineer can receive in the United States.

Environmental enforcement dependent on budget, study says
A recent study co-authored by a UNT faculty member reveals that reductions in budgets for environmental enforcement agencies has a direct correlation on non-compliance by private industry.

UNT astronomy celebrates 40th anniversary of moon landing
The astronomy program at the University of North Texas will celebrate the July 20 anniversary with "Moonth Month" events.

Powerful new computing facility to boost UNT’s research profile
The new high-powered computing facility will provide a 10-fold increase in the university's computational power and will be among the premier facilities of its kind in the country.
Research | Science

Department of Defense awards UNT engineering student prestigious scholarship
Jeff Helstad, an engineering student at the University of North Texas, hopes to dedicate his engineering career to developing alternative materials that could prevent Explosively Formed Projectiles from penetrating soldiers' armor.
Research | Science

UNT professor to study materials used to repair, restore bones
Jincheng Du, assistant professor of materials science and engineering will conduct a three-year project to further understand bioactive glasses, which can also act as coatings for knee and hip replacements and assist in drug delivery.

Pioneer of biometric recognition will speak at UNT April 10
Increase concerns about homeland security, financial fraud and identify theft have spurred greater interest in biometric recognition.
Research | Science

UNT College of Business to host David C. Schembri, president of smart USA
Students will have a chance to examine a smart car and hear the president of smart USA.
Business | Science

Engineering degree to offer science, business preparation
UNT's College of Engineering has launched the state's first graduate degree program in engineering systems.
General University News | Science

UNT forensic science program receives accreditation
The American Association of Forensic Sciences has accredited UNT's forensic science program, the only university in Texas to receive the recognition.
General University News | Science

UNT student organization to host 6 animal training experts March 20
UNT students and community members will have the chance to hear from six great animal trainers during the The Great Minds Conference, sponsored by UNT's Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals.
Education | Science

UNT to participate in national cutting-edge science initiative
Student will collect soil samples, isolate bacterial viruses called phage and analyze the DNA sequence of the phage's genome as part of an innovative program designed to involve college freshmen in scientific discovery.
Research | Science

Computational linguistics olympiad regional games at UNT
The 2009 North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad regional competition is Feb. 4 and is open to all high school students.

UNT researchers making progress on future of lighting
Professors from chemistry and materials science and engineering are pioneering innovative research in the field of organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, an emerging technology that scientists say will revolutionize lighting.
Research | Science

Work on Sub-Antarctic biocultural conservation in South America earns UNT professor award
Ricardo Rozzi has researched and worked to preserve the ecological knowledge of a tribal group living in the southern part of Chile and Argentina.
General University News | Humanities | Public Service | Science

UNT center receives more than $700,000 to investigate digitization of labels of herbarium collections
The Texas Center for Digital Knowledge is partnering with the institute, known as BRIT, to develop technology that will transform data from the printed or handwritten labels into a form that is processable by computers
Research | Science

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