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UNT student wins Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship
Marcelo Ostria has received a $25,000 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship for study abroad during the 2010-11 academic year.
General University News | Public Service

Emerald Eagle Student Organization to host conference and nationally syndicated radio shows on Sept. 15
The Planning for Life conference will encourage high school students about accessibility of higher education.
Education | General University News | Public Service

UNT program partners with area Workforce Solutions Boards to provide free job skills training to qualified applicants
The program was designed to allow individuals to attain skill certifications in high-demand career fields in 12 weeks or less.
Business | General University News | Public Service

UNT student honored by White House for service to UNICEF
For the second year in a row Marcelo Ostria has been selected to receive the President's Volunteer Service Award.
General University News | Public Service

Political scientist can discuss Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment ruling

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Safford Unified School District v. April Redding, which addresses whether or not the Fourth Amendment prohibits public school officials from conducting a search of a student suspected of possessing and distributing a prescription drug on campus in violation of school policy. The case was filed after school officials at a middle school in Arizona strip searched a 13-year-old girl after they received an uncorroborated tip from another student that the girl possessed prescription strength ibuprofen. No drugs were found during the search.

Dr. Paul Collins, University of North Texas assistant professor of political science, is available to discuss Safford United School District v. April Redding and the Supreme Court's decision on this case.

Collins notes that this case could potentially be a very tough one for the justices.

"On the one hand, the Court has generally frowned upon highly invasive searches absent some compelling reason for the searches and the egregious nature of the strip search in question does not bode well for the school district. On the other hand, the Court has consistently ruled that students do not enjoy the same Fourth Amendment protections as adults," he says. "But there is another issue in the case on which it may ultimately hinge. That is -- the justices will have to determine whether the school has qualified immunity from prosecution under the logic that the school believed it had the authority to conduct the suspicionless strip search."

Collins is the author of Friends of Supreme Court: Interest Groups and Judicial Decision Making, which traces interest group participation in the Supreme Court in the form of amicus curiae ("friends of the court") briefs over the last 60 years. In the book, Collins focuses on the briefs' influence on individual justices' responses to the cases being considered, and the Court's overall decisions.

Collins can be reached at his office at 940-369-8829, by cell phone at 940-395-5142 or by e-mail at pmcollins@unt.edu.

Public Service

UNT social work class working with teen mothers for comprehensive sex education in Texas public schools
Students will also travel to Austin to lobby for two bills related to sex education in Texas public schools.
Public Service

UNT student from Flower Mound named finalist for Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Marcelo Ostria is one of 176 college and university students in the nation selected as finalists for the scholarship.
General University News | Public Service

UNT faculty, staff, students build sculptures from cans in CANstruction Contest to benefit charity
The event is held during Building Citizens Week and is part of UNT's year of community service.
Public Service

UNT unveils Emergency Operations Center
The Grainger Foundation and NC4 provide resources to equip state-of-the-art facility.
General University News | Public Service

UNT to host discussion on eating disorders for awareness week
When Food Becomes a Four Letter Word, Feb. 26 at the University of North Texas. The event is part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
Public Service | Social Science

UNT students help Darfuri children, participate in $150,000 challenge with concert, raffle
UNT students are competing in a national challenge to raise $150,000 by Feb. 28 through the Help Us Save Some Lives Campus Challenge.
General University News | Humanities | Public Service

UNT to unveil Emergency Operations Center Lab
The UNT EOC Lab will be used to train students in the emergency administration and planning program.
General University News | Public Service

UNT students volunteer to produce opera to raise money for local organizations
Concert for Hope will include two performances of Giuseppe Verdi's La traviata.
Arts and Music | Public Service

MLK celebration week kicks off year of service at UNT
Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity and its Multicultural Center will host events to call for service and change in our community to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
General University News | Public Service

UNT to host International Conference on Parent Education and Parenting
The 17th annual Conference of Parent Education marks the first time that the conference will have an international focus.
Humanities | Public Service

UNT student awarded scholarship for public health work in post-Katrina New Orleans
Alesha Harris' public health work in post-Katrina New Orleans earned a $500 scholarship donation from the Texas Environmental Health Association.
Humanities | Public Service

UNT President Bataille elected regional representative of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Gretchen M. Bataille was elected as an Associate Member Regional Representative and will actively participate and vote during the Annual Business Meetings of HACU's voting members.
General University News | Public Service

Work on Sub-Antarctic biocultural conservation in South America earns UNT professor award
Ricardo Rozzi has researched and worked to preserve the ecological knowledge of a tribal group living in the southern part of Chile and Argentina.
General University News | Humanities | Public Service | Science

World AIDS Day features development director
Brian Schmedinghoff, development director for AIDS Services of North Texas, will discuss "The Power of Partnerships."
General University News | Public Service

Historical Bartlett newspapers preserved by UNT Libraries
UNT will microfilm, digitize and provide free online access to issues of the Bartlett Tribune thanks to a $60,403 Library Cooperation Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Humanities | Public Service

Giving the gift of literacy to preschool children program at UNT needs donations
The program is designed to help preschool age children succeed in school and life.
General University News | Public Service

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