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UNT University of North Texas

Parent Programs

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Parent Programs
1155 Union Circle #311274
Denton, TX 76203

Phone: 940-565-4373
Fax: 940-369-7849

The Office of Parent Programs at UNT was established to enhance the college experience for both parents and students and help build sustaining relationships between parents and UNT. Our goal is to provide parents and families with information to help better understand their student's life at UNT. We accomplish this through our website, the UNT Parent's Association, and special programs throughout the year like, Orientations, Sunday Fun Day, Summer Send-Off Parities, Family Weekend, and more. We hope you consider us your resource.

Parent Orientation

Parent Orientation is a special program that runs concurrently with New Student Orientation, Transfer Orientation, or Early Eagle Orientations. The program is optional, but highly encouraged. Through this program, parents have the opportunity to learn about the many offices, services, academic programs UNT has to offer.

UNT Parent Association

The UNT Parent Association is an organization established and run by UNT parents. Its goals include encouraging involvement between students, parents, and the university, building relationships with the university, and keeping fellow parents informed about opportunities at UNT. In addition, its members and their students receive several benefits, like discounts at the UNT Bookstore and possible scholarships for its students.

For questions regarding this database, please contact Parent Programs at 940-565-4373 or via e-mail at

Programs and Events

Family Weekend

The University of North Texas recognizes the important role families and friends play in the educational process. Each fall the campus opens its doors to embrace those important individuals. Family Weekend 2009 was held September 25-27. More than 1,100 students and their families participated in Family Weekend events. If you attended, but have not provided your feedback through our online survey, click here. The date for Family Weekend 2010 has not been set.

Summer Send-Off Parties

Last summer, in coordination with the UNT Parent Association, Parent Programs sponsored summer send-off parties is 15 cities across Texas. The parties were a huge success and we were able to reach over 1015 students and parents!

Our 2009 Summer send-off parties will take place during the first couple of weeks of August and are great opportunities for students and parents to ask last minute questions and meet others from their area. Details will be provided at Parent Orientation and mailed out to each freshman student during the summer. We hope to see you there!

Sunday Fun Day

Sunday Fun Day is a campus-wide event held on the first day (always a Sunday) students can move into their residence hall. Faculty, staff, and students volunteer in shifts to meet students and parents, help carry boxes or luggage into students' rooms, distribute room keys, and help fill-out forms. It is a big tradition forUNT and one that will continue for many years to come. Click here for Sunday Fun Day Move-In Day tips from UNT Housing.