Mail Service & Package Delivery

Can I have packages delivered to the residence halls?
Yes, packages can be delivered to the residence halls via FedEx, UPS, or DHL. Label the package with the physical address for your residence hall and write "Attn: (resident's name)" above the address.

Note: The US Postal Service (USPS) will not deliver to the residence halls.

How do I send or receive a letter or package via US Postal Service?
The cost of a mailbox is already included in each resident's housing fee. Residents may sign up for a mailbox at no additional cost through Eagle Express Mail, the mail service provider in the University Union. Eagle Express Mail allows mailbox holders to send and receive through USPS, UPS, FedEx or DHL. To receive mail via a Union mailbox, please list your address as follows:

Resident's Name
1155 Union Circle #(box number)
Denton, TX 76203-5017

For a complete explanation of our polices regarding package delivery and mail services please visit the ABCs of Residence Life and read the sections under the menu item titled Mail.