



Know What To Do

Refer to the Risk Management Services website for shelter locations, which are included in each building's Evacuation Plan. In the event of severe weather, tornado activity is possible. Tornado season is generally from March to August; however tornados may occur at any time of the year. If a tornado is approaching:

  • Seek shelter immediately. Go to the lowest floor possible. Seek shelter in an interior hallway, closet or bathroom. Stay away from windows and doors.
  • If you are driving a vehicle, do not try to out run a tornado. If possible drive to a concrete building and seek shelter. If that is not possible, find shelter under an overpass or lay face down in a ditch along the road, covering the back of your neck and head.
  • Listen to a radio or other media sources for the latest tornado advisory information.

Tornado WATCH means the weather conditions are favorable for a tornado.
Tornado WARNING means a tornado is imminent or occuring.

Posted on Oct 16, 2008 - 09:23 AM

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