


Hazardous Materials

Chemical or Radiation Spill

If you are notified that a chemical or radiation spill has occurred in your immediate area,

  • Dial 9-1-1. When reporting the incident, give as many details as possible about the chemical(s), the amount spilled, and the location of the incident.
  • Walk quickly and calmly to the nearest marked exit and instruct those around you to do the same. Assist individuals with disabilities in exiting the building if possible.
  • If evacuation is not possible, move to the nearest stairwell and wait for assistance from local emergency response personnel. Elevators should not be used in an emergency event because of a possible mechanical failure.
  • Try not to inhale any gases, fumes and/or smoke.
  • Once outside, move to a safe location AT LEAST 500 feet away from the incident site. Keep streets, fire lanes, sidewalks and fire hydrants clear and accessible for emergency vehicles and personnel. DO NOT RETURN to an evacuated building under any circumstances until emergency services personnel have cleared the building, even if alarms have stopped.

Anyone who may have come in contact with the chemical or radiation should to avoid contact with other persons, and remain in the vicinity until emergency services personnel arrive.

In the event the City of Denton's outdoor warning sirens are activated, seek shelter indoors and await further instructions from city or university officials, as this can indicate that a large chemical or radiation spill has occurred in the area.

UNT may also use Eagle Alert to notify the campus community that an emergency has occurred.

Posted on Oct 15, 2008 - 01:29 PM

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