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  Policy Manual
  University of North Texas

Classification Number: 15.1.23

Revised: 4/09

Policy Title: University Distinguished Research Professorship

  1. Policy Statement

    The University Distinguished Research Professorship award recognizes tenured faculty at the rank of professor who have achieved an exceptionally outstanding record of creative activities or research productivity and who demonstrate a record of continued extraordinary productivity.
  1. Application of Policy

    Faculty at the rank of professor
  1. Award
    The award consists of the designation "University Distinguished Research Professor" and a one-time supplement of five thousand dollars ($5000) added to the recipient’s base salary. Up to 5 awards may be made per year provided that no more than 3 percent of faculty at the rank of professor may hold the designation “University Distinguished Research Professor" at any one time.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may approve an exception to the 3 percent/5 award limit upon recommendation by a dean in order to recruit a highly accomplished research professor who has achieved an exceptionally outstanding record of creative activities or research productivity at another university or organization and who demonstrates a record of continued extraordinary productivity.

  1. Eligibility

    To be eligible for this award, an individual must:
    1. be a full-time, tenured faculty member at the rank of professor;
    2. have a record of exceptionally distinguished research or creative activity; and
    3. demonstrate evidence of the potential for continued extraordinary productivity.
  1. Selection Procedure

    Nominations for the designation of University Distinguished Research Professor shall be made by the department chair and submitted to the school or college dean.  The nomination dossier must contain a letter of nomination, a letter of support by the personnel affairs committee (or other unit-level committee duly constituted for the purpose of reviewing such nominations), a letter by the department chair.  A candidate’s nomination must be based upon a record of sustained excellence over the course of his/her career.

School or college nominations shall be forwarded by the school or college dean to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for consideration, and shall include a letter of evaluation of the candidate by the dean. Final nominations for the awards shall be submitted to the President by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, acting in light of the recommendation of the University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee (except as noted above for the purpose of recruitment). 

  1. Review of Performance

    The  designation of University Distinguished Research Professor shall be reviewed by the University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee in the fifth year after the designation has been awarded and every fifth year thereafter as long as the designation is held.  Continued eligibility for the designation shall be based on ongoing productivity. The committee shall recommend whether the designation should continue. In the event the determination is made that a person should not continue to be a University Distinguished Research Professor, the salary supplement that accompanied the initial designation shall be retained.

Specific procedures for the conduct of these reviews shall be adopted and published by the University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee.

The salary supplement held during regular service immediately prior to retirement shall be included as part of the base salary for the purpose of determining the salary of a University Distinguished Research Professor who goes on modified service. 

  1. Composition of Selection and Review Committee

    The University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee shall consist of six tenured full professors, serving staggered three year terms, the Vice President for Research and Economic Development or his/her designee, and the Provost and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Three faculty committee members shall be selected by the Faculty Senate and three by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. At least one-half of the committee’s faculty members shall be University Distinguished Research Professors.* The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, shall serve as chair of the University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee.

The University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee may adopt and publish additional procedures and application standards for review of candidates for the award consistent with this policy.

(*Until such time as at least twenty University Distinguished Research Professors have been appointed, tenured full professors who have demonstrated extraordinary success in research or creative activities may be named to the committee in place of the University Distinguished Research Professors as required above.)


Approved: 4/7/2009
Effective: 4/7/2009

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