UNT Homecoming 2009 - October 15-17

UNT Homecoming 2009 · October 17
"Wild With Pride"

Contact Us

For Homecoming events
Karen Selby, Director of Special Events, Division of Advancement
E-mail: karen.selby@unt.edu
Phone: (940) 565-3480 or (800) 868-1153

Rob McKinney, Director of Chapter Development,
NT Exes Alumni Association
E-mail: robert.mckinney@unt.edu
Phone: (940) 565-3162

For Alumni Association events
E-mail: alumni@unt.edu
Phone: (940) 565-2834
Web: www.untalumni.com

For student organizations
Student Activities Center, Union 320
Phone: (940) 565-3807
Web: www.unt.edu/sa

For Mean Green Sports ticket office
Phone: (940) 565-2527 or (800) UNT-2366
Web: meangreensports.com