Core Facility News

On-Line Scheduling of Microscope Time
As of Tuesday September 8, 2009 the scheduling of time on major pieces of facility equipment will be done on-line (i.e. confocal microscopes, TEM, prep equipment). Please go to the schduling page under the equipment menu tab above for more information and to access the schedules. Note that you must be logged into the school's local area network to view these schedules and make reservations.
Fee Policy Change
As of December 15, 2008 the cost of technical assistance outside of normal business hours (8:00AM - 5:00PM Monday thru Friday) and on UNTHSC employee holidays will be charged at double (2X) the rate being assessed to a project. To avoid this charge plan your experiments so that samples are brought to technicians with enough time to get to a stopping point by 5:00 PM.
Microscpy & Analysis RSS feed


Welcome to the home page of the UNTHSC Microscopy Core Facility's Web Site. You will find information here on the services we provide to the research and academic community here at the University of North Texas Health Science Center.

We are located on the Fort Worth campus at the northwest corner of the Fort Worth Arts District across from the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art.

While here you can also look at our fee structure as well as view equipment reservations. Some of the images recorded here in the facility can also be found.

Enjoy your visit


Copyrighted by the University of North Texas Board of Regents
This page last updated Thursday November 5, 2009 8:01
Site created and maintained by Lawrence X. Oakford, Ph.D.