Welcome to UNT's Quality Enhancement Plan

Next Generation Course Redesign™ Project

The University of North Texas is in the sixth year of a nine-year journey to transform large enrollment undergraduate courses by engaging and enabling faculty members to design, apply, and assess innovative instructional techniques.

The development of high quality assessments is part of the Next Generation of course redesign for large enrollment courses being facilitated by CLEAR.
The Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign (CLEAR) supports the University's QEP, the Next Generation Course Redesign™ Project.
The UNT course redesign journey began officially with the Blanded Learning Projects. The success of the Blended Learning Projects resulted in the decision to continue the course redesign effort through the submission of a Quality Enhancement Plan.
UNT's course redesign is facilitated by an interdisciplinary Community of Practice.

N-Gen faculty have redesigned 14 courses to date. Click here for a complete list of current N-Gen courses offerings.