For Faculty & Staff.

Preparedness Tips

At Work

Being aware of the univeristy's emergency operations plan can improve your department's safety preperations. There is a safety evacuation coordinator for every building located on campus. Contact your building representative to find out more information on who your safety evavuation corrdinator is or visit the Risk Management Services Website.

Risk Management Services offers CPR and AED training. These trainings can also enhance your preparedness skills when faced with an emergency situation. Please contact Tommy Jones at (940) 369-8104 or click on the following link to learn more information about these trainings. CPR and AED Training

In addition to Eagle Alert, those who live in the City of Denton can register for Code Red, a telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system warns residents in the area who may potentially be impacted by severe weather or other emergency events.

There are six weather sirens are located throughout the campus that may be sounded in the event of severe weather. The sirens are tested the first Wednesday of every month at 12:00 noon. Updates during an emergency situation can also be found on the university's home page or by listening to KNTU 88.1 FM.

Faculty & staff may want to consider adding an ICE contact on their mobile phone. ICE, an acronym for “In Case of Emergency”, is entered into a mobile phone user’s address/contact book as the “In Case of Emergency” contact. ICE allows paramedics or police to be able to contact a designated relative/next-of-kin in an emergency situation.

At Home

Having a "72 hour kit" is another way to prepare for a disaster. These kits are a collection of essential items grouped together to help provided life sustaining measures after an emergency. Lists of items to include in your preparedness kit as well as pre-packaged kits can be found at the American Red Cross website. Personalize your kit by including medication, pet supplies or items for children.

An emergency contact card is another way to prepare for a disaster. Both FEMA and American Red Cross have emergency contact cards available to print off and store along with your preparedness kits.

Posted on Oct 07, 2008 - 02:25 PM

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