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Secretary Clinton Formally Swears-in Dr. Eric Goosby as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator

On Thursday, September 17, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton formally swore-in Dr. Eric Goosby as Ambassador-at-Large and Global AIDS Coordinator.

"Public service of the kind that Eric performs every day is never a solo act. It is made possible by a strong support network of family and friends, of colleagues across our country, and indeed, for Eric, across the world. So on behalf of the State Department and the people worldwide whose lives will be saved and touched by Eric's work and leadership, I really want to thank your family. Because it was no easy decision to uproot yourself and come here to, once again, answer the call of duty," said Secretary Clinton.

During her remarks, the Secretary reaffirmed the

commitment of the Obama Administration to the fight against global AIDS as a central piece of the foreign policy and global health agenda. "President Obama and I are deeply committed to PEPFAR's continued success. We will work through PEPFAR and with our global partners, to expand access to prevention, care, and treatment. And we see PEPFAR's potential to serve as a platform upon which to build other essential health services for individuals and families through the Obama Administration's Global Health Initiative and our commitments to partner with governments to help them develop their own capacity to fight the disease and the epidemics that they themselves are confronting," said Secretary Clinton. [More]

Partnering with Lesotho in the Fight against HIV/AIDS

On August 20, 2009, Lesao Lehohla, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and Robert B. Nolan, U.S. Ambassador to Lesotho, signed the Partnership Framework to Support Implementation of the Lesotho National HIV and AIDS Response. Photo by Lesotho PEPFAR Team.

On August 20, 2009, Lesao Lehohla, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and Robert B. Nolan, U.S. Ambassador to Lesotho, signed the "Partnership Framework to Support Implementation of the Lesotho National HIV and AIDS Response."

Under this Framework, the U.S. Government, through PEPFAR, and the Government of Lesotho intend to collaboratively develop, plan and implement a five-year strategy that jointly contributes to the implementation of the Lesotho National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, 2006-2011, in order to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Lesotho. This Partnership Framework is the fourth of its kind - after Malawi, Swaziland, and Angola - established between a U.S. Government PEPFAR program and a partner government. [Partnership Framework]

Radio Debates Raise HIV Awareness in Namibia

A student participates in a PEPFAR-supported debate about HIV/AIDS on Base FM Radio in Windhoek, Namibia. Photo by Namibia PEPFAR Team.

In Namibia, the American Cultural Center recently awarded Base FM Radio with a PEPFAR-supported grant for HIV/AIDS Khomas School Debate 2009, a continuing high school debate program working to engage Namibian youth in an on-air HIV/AIDS dialogue and to raise awareness about the disease.

Building on information from a 2007 survey that showed listeners wanted to hear about topics affecting the youth of Namibia, including HIV/AIDS and domestic violence, Base FM developed the debate program and piloted it in 2008. The program quickly became popular among students and radio listeners alike.

Now in its second year, HIV/AIDS Khomas School Debate 2009 will include representation from more schools and students, further expanding the reach of this program. The top 10 debaters will represent the Khomas Region at the National High Schools Debate competition later this year. [More]

A-Z Subject Index 

Celebrating Life: Fifth Annual Report to Congress on PEPFAR. Photo by Reverie Zurba, USAID/South Africa.

Social Media

PEPFAR Highlights
 -- Public-Private Partnership to Improve Blood-Drawing Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa

-- Testimony to Congress on FY 2010 PEPFAR Budget Request

-- Expert Panel on Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV

-- Latest PEPFAR Results

-- The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - August 2009 Newsletter

-- Premier Global Companies, U.S. Government Launch Unprecedented Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation 

U.S. Domestic Response to HIV/AIDS
 -- Message from President Obama regarding National HIV Testing Day, June 27, 2009

-- Act Against AIDS HHS/CDC Domestic Campaign

-- AIDS.gov, the Information Gateway to Federal Domestic HIV/AIDS Information and Resources

-- Domestic HIV Testing Resources

  Fact Sheets and Issue Briefs  Key Funding Information
  Annual Report to Congress

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
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