GOES Satellite Derived Wind Products

High Density GOES-West Hourly Water Vapor Winds - Western U.S. and Pacific Coverage

Most Recent Data

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Wind Vector Key

100hPa - 250hPa 250hPa - 350hPa 350hPa - 550hPa

Click on Image to Zoom - 9 Sectors Available

GOES-10 Hourly Water Vapor Winds - Latest 24 Hours

00 UTC 01 UTC 02 UTC 03 UTC 04 UTC 05 UTC 06 UTC 07 UTC 08 UTC 09 UTC 10 UTC 11 UTC
12 UTC 13 UTC 14 UTC 15 UTC 16 UTC 17 UTC 18 UTC 19 UTC 20 UTC 21 UTC 22 UTC 23 UTC

Other GOES-10 Wind Products:

Imager Visible Imager Infrared Sounder Water Vapor Imager Water Vapor

General Information on Winds Production and Image Interpretation.

Obtain more information on GOES-E/W high density winds derivation by Gray et al, 1996

For more information contact:

Hank Drahos, Chief, FPDT, hdrahos@nesdis.noaa.gov

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Latest Update 10/08/99