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In the News

CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
Today in Washington, DC, experts from more than 30 US and international cyber security organizations jointly released the consensus list of the 25 most dangerous programming errors that lead to security bugs and that enable cyber espionage and cyber crime. Details... Posted: 12-Jan-2009

Lab Directory now has Microformats
Microformats are small bits of HTML that represent things like people, events, tags, etc. in web pages. Several browser extensions provide the ability to detect microformats within an HTML document and export them into formats compatible with contact management and calendar utilities, such as Microsoft Outlook. Details... Posted: 9-Jan-2009 

Use caution when opening e-mail attachments
Why it is important and tips on how to protect yourself and your computer. More... Re-Posted: 9-Jan-2009

Last Modified: January 26, 2009
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DOE, Office of ScienceOne of ten national laboratories overseen and primarily funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers. Brookhaven is operated and managed for DOE's Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates, a limited-liability company founded by Stony Brook University, the largest academic user of Laboratory facilities, and Battelle, a nonprofit, applied science and technology organization.

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