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Hardware and Software

(from the back reference pages of Interface)

Enterprise Systems 

Scientific Systems

Other Services




z/OS System Hardware

The z/OS facility is an integrated multiprocessor complex, interconnected by shared disk storage. There is a single IBM z9 Business Class (BC) model 2096-M03 system, with 3 processors. The system has 8 gigabytes (GB) of memory and a complement of several hundred peripheral devices.

The peripheral devices include:
Sun 9990V Disk Storage System
3490E cartridge tape drives (36 track, 38,000 BPI)
STK 9310 (Powderhorn) ATL
Sun/STK SL8500 modular tape library system
STK VSM Virtual Storage Manager (virtual tapes)
STK 9840 ultra high performance magnetic tape drives
3900 laser printing subsystems
2105ES cut-sheet laser printers
4245 impact printers
3366 OSA-Express2 1000Base-T network interface cards
0863 Crypto Express2 cryptographic co-processor cards

Peripherals are available to all processors, providing non-idle redundancy and minimal disruption of service in the event of any subsystem or component failure.


IBM z9 BC model 2096-M03
 Serial Numbers


CP0=0077AED, CP1=0177AED, CP2=0277AED



 z/OS System Software

 z/OS Operating System

The IBM z/OS Operating System uses job control language as the user interface
 and the Job Entry Subsystem Version 2 (JES2).

SILK Web Facilities
Customized, public, and secure  servers are available for general use. SILK provides online services that include: directory and account information, management functions, RACF processing, data set listing, batch job submission, secure file transfer, executing TSO commands, and e-mail through a web interface.

Interactive Systems



Model 204, DB2, and IMS

Language Processors

COBOL, VS FORTRAN, PL/I for MVS and VM, REXX, High Level Assembler, and C/C++

Graphics Systems


Scientific Statistical Systems



File management systems - VISION:Builder, IRS; BookManager online documentation system; Connect:Direct for advanced file exchange; VPS printing service; Interactive Output Facility (IOF) for controlling and examining batch jobs

Connectivity Products for Access to Titan

Full connectivity client software for tn3270 and ftp connections, including secure connections. Supported software includes QWS3270 Secure, web-based secure file transfer, WS_FTP Pro, and SSH.  


The Unix environment is appropriate for any important Unix-based application and has specific capabilities for applications that use Oracle databases.

Unix System Hardware


Sun Servers
Standard offering is the UltraSPARC-T2 Sun servers with 32GB of memory and single 8 core CPU. Other configurations of UltraSPARC-T2 servers are also supported as well as Sun UltraSparc IIIi servers.

HP Servers
Multiple HP Servers ranging in size from midrange to high-performance application servers, including HP PA-RISC and HP Itanium technology, are supported.

Virtual Servers
The Solaris Virtual Server service allows multiple operating system instances to pull resources from a pool of servers in a VMware managed environment.

Other configurations are available depending on application requirements. 



Unix Hosting Services will provide online storage for data as needed. Storage can be provided on SAN (storage attached networks) or locally attached storage, depending on the system, application, and storage required. Storage is provided in a RAID configuration for reliability.


Unix System Software Overview

Operating Systems


Sun Solaris

x86 Solaris on virtual servers 


Oracle on shared or dedicated Unix servers


FISMA-compliant highly available, secure connectivity, such as:



Middle Tier Application Servers

    Oracle Application Server 
    Apache Web Server
    Sun Java System Web Server


Windows applications can be hosted on a series of servers that are carefully managed and monitored by CIT on a 7x24 basis. These are HP Enterprise class servers with available fiber-connected SAN storage arrays. This facility provides a computing environment that has been proven suitable for mission-critical, enterprise-wide applications.

Windows Hardware

HP BL460C - Blade Server

Processors - Dual Intel Xeon Quad-core E5335 (2.00 GHz) standard
Memory - 4 GB (PC2-5300) standard - expandable to 32 GB
Storage - 2 Internal 146 GB SAS Drives with 128MB battery backed write cache standard
Direct attached storage blade available (730GB maximum size)
Network – Dual 1GB NIC (Teamed for redundancy)


HP BL685C Blade Server

Processors - Quad AMD Opteron Dual-core 8214 (2.2GHz) standard
Memory - 4 GB (PC2-5300) standard - expandable to 64 GB
Storage - 2 Internal 146 GB SAS Drives with 128MB battery backed write cache standard
Network – Dual 1GB NIC (Teamed for redundancy)


Virtual Server
   The Windows Virtual Server service allows multiple operating system instances to pull resources from a pool of servers. 

Other HP server configurations  are available and supported upon request. 


Windows Application Software

Operating System
    Windows operating systems Server 2003R2 32 bit and 64 bit Standard and Enterprise Editions

    Major components of the Windows Server Suite
    SQL Server 2005 (shared and dedicated)
    IIS (shared and dedicated)

Windows Services
    ColdFusion in both a shared and dedicated web environment
    Microsoft’s Content Management Server application in a shared web environment
    Moss2007/SharePoint¾a web service for information sharing and document collaboration



The NIH Helix Systems manage high-performance computing systems for the NIH intramural scientific community. The staff provides training, documentation and consulting for the resources on these systems. The front-end 32-processor Opteron system (with the network name is used for many scientific applications as well as general purpose tasks, such as reading mail, transferring files, and web browsing.

An additional system, the NIH Biowulf Cluster (, offers computational capabilities for compute-intensive, large-memory, or swarms of independent jobs. Biowulf( is a 6300+ processor Linux cluster, built by members of the Helix Systems staff, that runs the Linux operating system.


Helix Systems Hardware

The main interactive system for scientific computing,, has 16 processors and 128 GB of memory.

The Biowulf cluster consists of over 2100 dual-processor or four-processor nodes, with at least 1 GB of memory and 20 GB of disk. Each node is connected to a fast Ethernet switch (100 MB/s). For applications that can take advantage of more memory or higher network speeds, some nodes contain as much as 8 GB of memory and others are connected to a gigabit speed low-latency network. An Altix 350 with 32 Itanium 2 processors and 96 GB of memory acts as a “fat node” of the cluster, and is reserved for applications that require large amounts of memory.


Helix Systems Software

In addition to the standard Unix tools for software development, text formatting, and network communications, software packages include:

Scientific Applications

BioInformatics: EMBOSS, Fasta, Blast, Wu-Blast, ClustalW, Pfsearch, HMMer, BLAT, MUMmer, RepeatMasker, MFOLD, Sequence Assembly/Mapping, Linkage and Phylogenetic Analysis programs

Systems Biology: The Biobase portfolio of databases including ExPlain for interpretation of microarray and ChIP-chip data, Transfac for signal transduction pathway data, TransPro for annotated transcription start sites, and TransCompel for composite gene regulatory elements.

Structural Biology: X-Plor, Quest, Gaussian, Charmm, GAMESS, NAMD, CNS, Gromacs, Prospect, Haddock, APBS, Rosetta

Molecular Modeling: AMBER, Charmm, Q-Chem, DOCK, Fdiscover, LOOK, Insight, NAOMI, Sybyl;  other programs available on Helix through Mmignet

Mathematical/Graphical Analysis: Mathematica, MATLAB, S-PLUS, S, IMSL, xmgr, Xplot, GAUSS, Physica, R, BioConductor, SAS, Octave

Image Analysis: FSL, Analyze, AnalyzeAVW, AVS, IDL, GPHIGS, PHIGURE, AFNI, CTF

Molecular Graphics: Grasp, Molscript, Molauto, PovChem, Povscript, PovRay, Ribbons

Biological Databases

A large collection of nucleic and protein sequence databases are maintained in several formats on the Helix Systems, including Genbank, GenPept, NCBI’s nt and nr, Refseq, Swissprot/Trembl, and genome data.  A comprehensive list with details and update status is available at:

Programming Language/Tools

C, FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, Intel & Portland Group compilers, Lisp, gcc, C++, and other typical Unix tools like awk and perl

MPI library and PBS batch systems

Static analyzer, debugger, and performance analyzer tools

Subroutine Libraries

IMSL: mathematical and statistical routines

FIGARO: 2- and 3-d interactive graphics routines

Network Services

IMAP: mail server for mail clients, pine, and Emacs rmail

SquirrelMail: web access to Helix e-mail

SSH: secure encrypted communications between two systems
WinSCP, Fugu, FileZilla, and scp: secure Internet file transfer utilities

X Window System: supports X-windows scientific applications such as S-PLUS, Mathematica, MATLAB, SeqLab

Netscape, mozilla, and lynx: web browsers

X-Win32: web browser plug-in that lets Windows PCs run the X Window System


Editors: pico, nano, vi, jot, nedit, xedit, emacs, ed, ex

Image display and manipulation: imgworks, xv, convert, GIMP

Web-based Services

Scientific applications: EMBOSS-Lite (formerly GCG-Lite), Molecules To Go, UCSC Genome Browser mirror, ExPlain, Transfac, TransPath, TrxFacMiner, StrucTools, and other web interfaces to scientific tools

Proteomics: Mascot Mass Spectroscopy search engine
WHALES: automatic alert service for new sequences in the major nucleotide and protein databases

The Helix systems are restricted to NIH use.




NIHnet is the NIH backbone network that intercon­nects the Institutes and Centers (ICs), local area net­works (LANs), and the NIH Data Center with the Internet, Internet2, HHS operating divisions, and other government agencies. It controls access between the ICs and between NIH and the outside world. Informa­tion carried by NIHnet includes biomedical, clinical, and administrative data. NIHnet is a wide area network (WAN) comprised of a physical infrastructure of cable, optical fiber, routers and switches; network manage­ment control systems, servers, and workstations. This infrastructure supports the NIHnet operation; wireless access points; and security control systems, which includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), content filtering systems, and virus detectors.

Parachute provides dialup connectivity to the NIHnet. CIT also supports VPN for remote access to the NIHnet via 3rd party broadband providers.


The Internet is a worldwide system of computer net­works that allows computers from one network to connect to resources on other networks. The most widely used features of the Internet are the World Wide Web and electronic mail. NIHnet maintains physically and logically diverse connections to the Internet in order to ensure high availability.



The Internet2 Network is the U.S. research and education network that provides members with high-capacity, low-latency connectivity that avoids the congestion of the Internet. The current network, fully redesigned and deployed in 2006 when it replaced Abilene, provides next-generation production services as well as a platform for the development of new networking ideas and protocols. NIHnet customers communicate with Universities, Labs, and other Federal research agencies through this “member-only” network.

About the NIH Data Center

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This page last reviewed: July 08, 2009