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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update: Slide Presentation (Full)

Specific Populations and Other Topics (Continued)

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Evidence of effectiveness of tobacco dependence interventions in specific populations

Population of Smokers Review of Evidence
Hospitalized patients 2007 Cochrane analyses revealed that intensive intervention (inpatient contact plus follow-up for at least one month) was associated with a significantly higher quit rate compared to control conditions (OR = 1.65, 95% CI 1.44-1.90, 17 trials). Specific additional Cochrane findings:
  • Post-hospitalization follow-up appears to be a key component of effective interventions.
  • There was no significant effect of medication in this population. However, the effect sizes were comparable to those obtained in other clinical trials suggesting that NRT and bupropion SR may be effective in this population.
  • Intervention is effective regardless of the patient's reason for admission. There was no strong evidence that clinical diagnosis of the medically co-morbid condition affected the likelihood of quitting.

Interventions that have been shown to be effective in individual studies are: counseling and medication and other psychosocial interventions including self-help via brochure or audio/videotape, chart prompt reminding physician to advise smoking cessation, hospital counseling, and post discharge counseling telephone calls. Some data suggest NRT might not be appropriate in intensive care patients.

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