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United States

Contact information for your current location:

Local Borland Contact Details
US Sales Telephone: +1 800 632 2864
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Distributor Information

Product and Services Sales
Telephone: 1877 772 4450
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Federal Government
Telephone: 1877 772 4450 ext 2647
Email: government@microfocus.com

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Testing & ASQ sales email:

SupportLine Maintenance Sales
Toll Free Telephone: 1800 632 6265
Sales Email: Supportlinesales@microfocus.com

SupportLine Assistance
Report issues via the web: Click here
Toll Free Telephone: 1800 632 6265
Support 24/7

Acucorp Product Support
Toll Free Telephone: 1800 399 7220

Training Services
Toll Free Telephone: 1800 632 6265, opt. 5

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