Micro Focus Live Micro Focus Live Micro Focus Live


Your business depends on being informed and learning new skills.

Our comprehensive program of monthly free Webcasts will help you deliver consistently high performance.

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Application Modernization

Keep current on topics of critical concern to enterprise IT directors and managers. Professionals in organizations that depend on core systems should not miss these important events. Join us each month for these free, one hour, "from your desk" sessions.


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Application Development

Join us each month for a free, one hour Webcast on special interest topics related to your Micro Focus Application Development products. The training consists of instruction and demonstration of tasks, followed by Q&A.

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Application Portfolio Management

Learn the strategies more and more organizations are using to take the guesswork out of IT decision-making with these free and convenient one hour sessions.

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Special Presentation Webcasts

"Special Presentation" Webcasts are 1-hour sessions covering slightly different subjects than presented in our regular monthly webcasts.

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