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ITC and WIPO Back Together in Cuba

Encouraged by the success of their first joint Workshop on Legal Protection of Craft Items (Havana, 2001), ITC and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in association with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), held a workshop during the Havana International Crafts Fair (December 2003).

During the XX Feria, at the launching of the Cuban version of How to Approach Banks (published jointly by ITC and the Centre for Export Promotion of Cuba), H.E. Mr. Raúl de la Nuez, Minister of Foreign Trade, Cuba (left) discusses Cuba’s participation in ITC’s activities, with Mr. J. Smadja, ITC Deputy Executive Director (right).

ITC, Cuba Discuss Cooperation at Trade Fair

Educational software and information technology-related services were singled out as priority sectors for Cuban export development and promotion, as ITC and Cuba discussed cooperation at the XX Feria Internacional de La Habana (November 2002), an international trade fair.

At the ITC stand in the Cuban Pavilion of the XX Feria, Cuban enterprise managers discuss ITC's services for SMEs with E. Pizzaro.

For more information, contact Eduardo Pizarro, ITC Senior Trade Promotion Officer at pizarro@intracen.org

Viewpoint from Cuba

Juan Fernandez Gonzalez of Cuba’s National Commission for Electronic Commerce highlighted Cuba’s experiences with its portal site and its new e-commerce commission, in response to questions from the moderator.

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