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Sectors/Countries » Country/Region » China

© ITC/X. Jiang

ITC–China Partnership Evolves

China is expanding its cooperation with ITC and with developing countries.

China’s Vice Minister of Commerce, Yi Xiaozhun, met with ITC’s Executive Director, Patricia Francis, in November 2006 to explore cooperation to reduce poverty in rural China and support China’s growing trade and investment ties to Africa.

Photo: ITC

Cut Flowers: A Multi-million Dollar Industry Blooms in Rural China

More than 20,000 Chinese farming families have been lifted out of rural poverty in a remarkable economic success story that has seen Yunnan province in south-west China become one of the leading cut-flower centres in Asia.

Adding Value in the Digital Economy: China’s TPO Experience

To take advantage of the new digital economy, typical services that TPOs offer include electronic provision of trade information; online matchmaking; virtual exhibitions; and Internet-related education and training (see below the line).

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