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Sectors/Countries » Products » Packaging

Photo: ITC Top-end, high-quality packaging is the “front-line ambassador” that attracts and informs prospective customers and differentiates a product from its competitors. Asia’s flourishing packaging industry has a full range of design, printing and production skills, making the region a packaging powerhouse.

Packaging Power

High-quality packaging is becoming a key to successful competition in the most lucrative developed markets. ITC is spreading both the message and the means for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) worldwide to embrace better packaging. ITC’s work in Sri Lanka since the early 1970s exemplifies a turnaround in a country’s packaging industry.

Packaging: Towards a Sustainable Future

Packaging is a vital sector of most national economies. It consumes large quantities of resources. Because of packaging’s often limited life span, these resources (of materials and energy) are viewed in some quarters as being wasted. As a result, there is increasing pressure to minimize packaging volumes and make it reusable, or at least recyclable to recover materials or save energy. Growing realization of the need to plan for a sustainable future is creating the climate for an era of dramatic change in this industry.

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