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Sectors/Countries » Products » Wood
Certification of Forest Products

For more information about certification and mutual recognition, see the following web sites:

Faster-growing Trees, Value-added Products

Value-added wood exports have a bright future. The value of further-processed wood exports from producer countries of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) totalled just under US$ 4.2 billion in 1996–1997, the highest points recorded in COMTRADE statistics so far. The following year (1998) saw a 17% drop to US$ 3.5 billion. Despite the lack of comprehensive data for 1999, it is believed that exports stabilized in most countries. Some reported vigorous export growth during 1999-2000.

Encouraging Inter-Regional Trade

US$ 6 million worth of business deals are reported to be under negotiation, following the latest ITC buyers-sellers meeting, this time for wood products in southern Africa.

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