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© International Labour Organization Re-employment training services at a human resources development and employment centre, Tianjin, China.

Jobs crisis has a woman’s face

In Asia, the unemployment crisis poses disproportionate threat to women workers. Social equality and economic stability rely on policy-makers considering both genders in their response.

Recent ITC Publications

Effective public-private partnership in the information technology sector: How to enhance business and trade capacities

Exploring New Trade Partnerships for LDCs

New opportunities for least developed countries (LDCs) have little to do with the past, thanks, in part, to globalization and new information technologies. Few are aware of the promising grass-roots stories of LDC exporters. A new generation of innovative, energetic and persevering entrepreneurs is emerging. ITC, with its track record in LDC trade development, is open to new partnerships to help LDCs reach their export potential.

The guide’s key author, Jan van Hilten, former Chairman of the Mild Coffee Trade Association of Eastern Africa and M. Scholer presented the guide to about 150 coffee professionals in London.

ITC updates popular coffee guide

ITC launched a newly updated version of one of its most popular publications, Coffee — An exporter’s guide, at the International Coffee Organization’s annual meeting (London, September 2002).

Fondation Jean Bastin awards prize for ITC publication

ITC won the 2002 prize of the Fondation Jean Bastin for its legal guide to trade financing for international trade. A jury of academics, trade finance specialists and lawyers selected Financements et garanties dans le commerce international: Guide juridique (“Finance and guarantees in international trade: A legal guide”) from several dozen other publications.

“Best practices” on purchasing are a sell-out

ITC has recently produced a guide to “best practices” in purchasing, aimed particularly at public buyers, called Achetez un résultat (“Purchase a result”). During the review process, the manuscript was sent to Le Moniteur, France’s leading public works and construction journal, which reprinted extracts. The guide presents buyers with a process for evaluating and selecting the most suitable contractor.

At present, the book is only available in French, although an English version will be available soon.

For more information, contact Henri Grzesiak, ITC Senior Adviser, International Purchasing and Supply Management, at grzesiak@intracen.org

Latest ITC Books

Coffee: An exporter’s guide. 310 pages. Provides overview of world coffee trade, demand in importing countries, prices, statistical data; discusses niche markets, environment and social aspects; highlights organic coffee production, marketing and quality control issues; reviews contracts and deliveries, ship-ping, financial aspects and insurance, electronic commerce and supply chain management, dispute resolution, arbitration, futures markets, and hedging; explores commercial risk and risk related to trade credit issues; describes marketing systems; gives coffee producers’ country profiles. Annexes include International Coffee Agreement 2001, list of useful web addresses.

Latest Technical Materials

World markets for organic fruit and vegetables: Opportunities for developing countries in the production and export of organic horticultural products. 312 pages (Technical paper). The publication presents the recent findings of a joint FAO/ITC/CTA study on international trade in fresh organic fruit and vegetables. It provides detailed information on demand for these products in the world’s largest organic markets (United States, Japan and European countries), including data on sales and imports.

International Trade Bulletins

ITC produces a variety of international trade bulletins which complement ITC’s books and technical papers. To subscribe, contact the relevant sections of ITC listed below.

Reprinting This Issue - Doha: How Business Can Benefit

Trade and industry associations,
Ministries of trade,
Trade promotion organizations,
Trade service suppliers,

We hope that you have found the information in this issue of Trade Forum useful — and if so, that you will help us to spread the word even further. If your organization has a magazine or web site, we invite you to reproduce, translate or match the articles in Trade Forum with similar articles of your own, and issue them nationally or regionally. Alternatively, if you are aware of business publications that would be interested in reprinting articles, we would be delighted to have them do so.

Latest ITC Books

Contractual agreements in the publishing and printing industry: A practical guide. 112 pages. Guide to contractual agreements intended for publishers making agreements internationally with other publishers — provides a range of model agreements with explanatory notes covering relationships between major parties including authors, publishers, literary agents, distributors. Model contracts cover author-publisher and author-literary agent agreements, printing agreements, publisher-distributor agreements and agreements between publishers. Also includes same-language reprint licence and translation licence royalty agreements, co-edition same-language and co-edition translation contracts.

Latest Technical Materials

World markets for organic fruit and vegetables: Opportunities for developing countries in the production and export of organic horticultural products. 312 pages (Technical Paper). The publication presents the recent findings of a joint FAO/ITC/CTA study on international trade in fresh organic fruit and vegetables. It provides detailed information on demand for these products in the world’s largest organic markets (United States, Japan and European countries), including data on sales and imports.

International Trade Bulletins

ITC produces a variety of international trade bulletins which complement ITC’s books and technical papers. To subscribe, contact the relevant sections of ITC listed below.

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