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Photo: ITC Women farmers from the poorest rural communities have been a focus of ITC’s poverty reduction efforts in India. Working with bodies such as the Spices Board India, ITC has helped establish sustainable livelihoods for them, based on exports of spices.

Reducing Poverty Through Trade: Spicing Up Rural Life

Businesses as different as luxury vacation resorts and spice-growing by peasant farmers can result in export-led poverty reduction. These two projects supported by ITC indicate how a trade-focused approach to sustainable development can increase revenues for poor communities, encourage collaboration at all levels and even maintain traditional culture.

In India, Integrating the Informal Sector into the Global Economy

Access to global markets is critical to the economic security of many of the world’s poor working in the informal sector. According to SEWA, in India, this sector includes home-based workers, vendors, manual labourers and service providers; it accounts for up to 70% of gross domestic product and over 40% of exports; of the total workforce, 93% operate within the informal sector, and 60% of these are women.

Trade Information and E-Commerce Training in India

Responding to a request from the National Centre for Trade Information (NCTI) in New Delhi, ITC organized a regional workshop and three local follow-up seminars on “Trade Information and E-Commerce” in India.

The workshop (New Delhi, 23–26 April 2001), aimed at trade information specialists, drew 25 participants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The emphasis was on regional networking, using international and regional sources of trade information and e-commerce in the region.

The workshop was followed by one-day awareness-raising seminars for traders on trade information and e-commerce. These were held in New Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai (Bombay). Major partners were NCTI, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce, and the Bombay Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, contact Bertrand Jocteur-Monrozier, ITC Senior Adviser on Trade Information Management at monrozier@intracen.org

Organic Spice Trade Helps Rural Empowerment in India

In 2000, ITC won an award at the World Bank’s Development Marketplace competition for innovative ideas for poverty reduction (see Forum 1/2000). The winning project, “Empowerment of Rural Communities to Export Organic Spices from India” uses Export Production Villages to organize smallholder spice producers, build partnerships with local NGOs, and ultimately provide access for rural villages to higher-value export markets for organic products.

Mumbai (Bombay), India: Converting Waste into Energy is Commercially Viable

India’s Department of Science and Technology, in collaboration with a public-sector unit, initiated a pilot project on Integrated Waste Management (IWM) in Mumbai. A prototype fuel “pelletization” plant was engineered, procured and erected with entirely indigenous inputs.

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