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Novartis Careers

Novartis Careers

Corporate Volunteerism

Once a year, Novartis associates build bonds with the people and organizations that make our business possible during Community Partnership Day. Associates volunteer collectively in activities that make a meaningful emotional or practical contribution to local communities, social institutions and non-profit organizations.

In 2008, more than 10 000 associates worldwide participated in Community Partnership Day.



"I participated in the Kid Power Project and the experience was invaluable! Not only did I get the wonderful opportunity and feeling of gratitude to have made a difference in a child's life, I also learned skills that I can personally use, as well as life skills that I can teach my children. It was a day I'll never forget!"
Sally Stephens, Vice President, Business Development & Strategic Planning, Novartis Diagnostics










Business ethics

Novartis recognized among most ethical companies.


Novartis worldwide offices

Novartis operates in 140 countries around the world.