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About Novartis

About Novartis


The path from scientific breakthrough to successful pharmaceutical brand depends on mobilizing the best global resources, expertise and experience.

At Novartis, we often achieve success through close collaboration with partners who share a common vision and complementary strengths. A key Novartis priority is to build winning collaborations in the research of new medicines and vaccines.

The process

Our collaboration process

Novartis has structured a streamlined collaboration process to provide rapid evaluation of potential opportunities, with the early involvement of senior management. Key elements of our collaboration process:

  • A single gateway for all opportunities to facilitate initial contact and subsequent coordination of the evaluation process
  • A single database supporting all aspects of the collaboration process
  • Standard review criteria, comprising evaluation of the scientific basis of the opportunity, market potential and commercial viability
  • Standard review and decision-making process driven by Business Development and Licensing (BD&L)

If you have a pharmaceutical product or business opportunity, please see each disease area for the appropriate submission form.


Current alliances

Novartis current alliances

Our collaborative efforts differentiate us from other healthcare companies.

Innovative medicines