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Novartis Investor Relations

Novartis Investor Relations

Shareholders' corner

Novartis Direct Share Purchase PlanDirect Share Purchase Plan ›
Find out more about our Direct Share Purchase Plan, which allows the direct purchase of Novartis registered shares at low cost, with automatic reinvestment of dividends in additional Novartis shares.




Novartis US investorsUS Investors ›
View specific information for US investors.



Novartis Japanese investorsJapanese investors ›
View specific information for Japanese investors, including translations of presentations.



Novartis pharmaceutical product overviewPharmaceutical product overview ›
Learn more about Novartis products.



Novartis frequently asked questionsFrequently asked questions ›
Review key questions and answers about Novartis shares, general finance and investor relations services.


Share Registry

Share Registry

Find contact information for the Novartis International AG Share Registry.

Annual General Meeting

Review and download information about our Annual General Meeting.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of Novartis (ECN) oversees all our business operations.