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Novartis Investor Relations

Novartis Investor Relations

Fixed-income securities information

EUR fixed-income securities

Issuer Amount
(in millions)
Coupon Maturity
Novartis Finance S.A. 1,500 4.250% 2016


USD fixed-income securities

Issuer Amount
(in millions)
Coupon Maturity
Novartis Capital Corp. 2,000 4.125% 2014
Novartis Securities
Investment Ltd.
3,000 5.125% 2019


CHF fixed-income securities

Issuer Amount
(in millions)
Coupon Maturity
Novartis Securities Investment Ltd. 700 3.500% 2012
Novartis AG 800 3.625% 2015




Credit ratings of Novartis AG

  Moody’s Standard & Poor’s Fitch
Short term P-1 A-1+ F1+
Long term Aa2 AA- AA
Outlook Stable Stable Stable




Novartis Finance S.A.

Principal amount EUR 1,500,000,000
ISIN XS0432810116
Issuer Novartis Finance S.A., Luxembourg
Guarantor Novartis AG, Switzerland
Type Senior unsecured
Coupon 4.250%
Coupon payment date June 15
Documentation EMTN Programme
First settlement date June 15, 2009
Issue price 99.757
Maturity date June 15, 2016
Joint book-runners Barclays Bank, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank
Bloomberg NOVART41/4
Listing London Stock Exchange


Novartis Capital Corp.

Principal amount USD 2,000,000,000
Issuer Novartis Capital Corp., United States
Guarantor Novartis AG, Switzerland
Type Senior unsecured
Coupon 4.125%
Coupon payment dates February 10, August 10
Documentation SEC registered shelf registration
First settlement date February 10, 2009
Issue price 99.897
Maturity date February 10, 2014
Joint book-runners JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs
Bloomberg NOVART41/8


Novartis Securities Investment Ltd.

Principal amount USD 3,000,000,000
Issuer Novartis Securities Investment Ltd., Bermuda
Guarantor Novartis AG, Switzerland
Type Senior unsecured
Coupon 5.125%
Coupon payment dates February 10, August 10
Documentation SEC registered shelf registration
First settlement date February 10, 2009
Issue price 99.822
Maturity date February 10, 2019
Joint book-runners JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs
Bloomberg NOVART51/8


Novartis Securities Investment Ltd.

Principal amount CHF 700,000,000
ISIN CH0043088183
Issuer Novartis Securities Investment Ltd., Bermuda
Guarantor Novartis AG, Switzerland
Type Senior unsecured
Coupon 3.500%
Coupon payment date June 26
Documentation Swiss stand-alone documentation
First settlement date June 26, 2008
Issue price 100.32
Maturity date June 26, 2012
Joint book-runners Credit Suisse, UBS
Bloomberg NOVART3½
Listing SIX Swiss Exchange


Novartis AG

Principal amount CHF 800,000,000
ISIN CH0043089009
Issuer Novartis AG, Switzerland
Type Senior unsecured
Coupon 3.625%
Coupon payment date June 26
Documentation Swiss stand-alone documentation
First settlement date June 26, 2008
Issue price 100.3500
Maturity date June 26, 2015
Joint book-runners Credit Suisse, UBS
Bloomberg NOVART35/8
Listing SIX Swiss Exchange


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Neither Novartis AG, nor any of its subsidiaries or employees accepts any liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of the information provided. In particular, neither Novartis AG, nor any of its subsidiaries or employees accepts any liability for any third party content that may be viewed on this site. All information provided is also qualified in its entirety by reference to the relevant prospectuses, supplemental information or other documentation related to the securities described above and below.








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