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About Novartis

About Novartis


Novartis patient safety

Novartis is committed to creating value for all patients — including those who cannot afford treatment. In 2008, our access-to-medicines programs, valued at USD 1.26 billion, reached 74 million patients around the world.

Here are some of the key measures Novartis is taking to put patients first:

  • Working with the World Health Organization to help eliminate leprosy by offering free treatment to patients worldwide
  • Supplying our antimalarial drug Coartem without profit through multilateral institutions and public-private partnerships
  • Developing medicines to combat tropical, infectious diseases such as dengue, tuberculosis and malaria through the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD)
  • Creating the Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health (NVGH), a first-of-its-kind institute focused on vaccines for diseases in the developing world
  • Providing discounts and assistance programs to low-income patients in the developed world, including a patient assistance program for the cancer therapy Gleevec/Glivec — one of the most far-reaching patient-assistance programs ever implemented on a global scale — ensuring access for all patients who cannot afford it

Patient safety

To improve patient health and well-being, Novartis medicines must have the complete confidence of those who prescribe and use them. As a corporate citizen, we are committed to this goal.

Patients and healthcare providers know that, beyond meeting regulatory requirements for product safety and efficacy, Novartis does everything possible to communicate concerns based on clinical trials and other research. Labels and package inserts often describe possible side effects and other risks, and provide directions for avoiding potential problems.

Novartis discloses data from our clinical trials, no matter what the outcome. We assess safety concerns throughout the development of our products.

Ensuring patient safety does not end at product approval. We continue to assess risks or safety signals that emerge when a product is on the market. We work to find new and better ways to identify problems and communicate them as clearly as possible.

Our pharmacovigilance programs quickly identify, address and communicate new adverse events to regulatory agencies, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), as well as to healthcare professionals and patients. We also work to protect patients from counterfeit products, which have created a growing concern around the world.

Responsible corporate citizenship is about open communication, going beyond the letter of the law and placing patients front and center in all our efforts. There is nothing more important than the safety of our products and those who use them.


Patient groups

Novartis and patient groups

Our commitment to high-quality healthcare has led to partnerships between Novartis and patient groups.

Citizenship in action

Citizenship in action in Africa

The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative brings hope to AIDS orphans in Africa.

Our products

We are a leader in offering medicines to protect health, cure disease and improve well-being.