Project 2010 - A Potential Name Change for NMSA - National Middle School Association
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
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Project 2010
A Potential Name Change for NMSA

National Middle School Association is considering a name change. Each month we'll feature updates about the work of NMSA's Task Force 2010, which is heading up the name change information gathering process.

March 2009 Update

Over the years there has been much talk about the possibility and desirability of changing the association's name. "National Middle School Association" has served us well for more than 35 years, but our students, the schools, and the education world are changing. It is imperative that our name clearly defines us and keeps us moving forward for the next 35 years.

In 2008, the NMSA Board of Trustees appointed Task Force 2010, a group that was authorized to conduct a study about a potential name change. This group was charged with soliciting feedback and presenting information to the board about whether or not a name change should be pursued. If the results of the study indicated that a name change was in order, the task force was asked to make a recommendation and offer advice on the transition process.

Over the past 12 months, Task Force 2010 conducted significant outreach to all stakeholders of the association to gather feedback to share with the board of trustees. The outreach included soliciting commentary from founders, past board members, and affiliate leaders as well as conducting online membership surveys and conference attendee surveys.

At its final meeting in Columbus in December 2008, the task force completed its work and forwarded to the board a report with several recommendations, including options for a new association name and ideas for the transition process. Though the task force and the board may recommend a change, according to the NMSA constitution, it is the members who make the decision, as a new name requires a constitutional election by the membership of the association.

At their recent winter board meeting, the NMSA Board of Trustees reviewed the report of Task Force 2010. Noting that the work of the task force was both thorough and thoughtful, the board decided that now is not the right time to pursue a name change for NMSA. The cost of a name change would be extensive, and in these uncertain financial times, the board decided that it would be best to act on the recommendations made by Task Force 2010 at a later date. The board will continue discussions regarding a potential name change during the next year and in January 2010 will consider making a recommendation to the membership.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to offer input regarding a potential name change for National Middle School Association. The board especially would like to acknowledge and thank the Task Force members for their hours of work on this important task.

Task Force 2010
Pete Lorain (Chair)
Len Ference
Theresa Hinkle
Ken McEwin
Debra Melle
Betty Edwards

 March 2009 Update

October 2008 Update

September 2008 Update

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