Healthy Choices, Healthy Children: Grant Award Program
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
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Healthy Choices, Healthy Children

The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation in partnership with National Middle School Association invites you to apply for the Healthy Choices, Healthy Children Program Materials Grant. The Healthy Choices, Healthy Children program is an interactive character education program that uses discussion topics, video clips and group activities to bring the life lessons of the Ripken family to young adolescents. This powerful program encourages all young adolescents to adopt a lifestyle that increases their chances of success by helping them to understand the importance of making good choices, choosing to lead instead of follow and understand how decisions they make today will impact their future success.

PDF Download Application
Only NMSA member schools are eligible. If you are not a member, join today.

25 deserving middle schools from across the country will be selected to receive the program materials grant which will include:

  • 100 Student Activity Workbooks
  • 4 Teachers Manuals
  • 2 training DVDs
  • 2 curriculum DVDs
  • Posters and Quick Reference Cards
  • The grant package is valued at approximately $500.

The following need factors will be considered for selection:

  • Student population is comprised of a minimum 50% eligible for free or reduced lunch
  • % of students that reside in single parent homes
  • Geography
  • Urban or rural schools

All applications must be received no later than October 21, 2009. Winners will be announced at the 2009 National Middle School Association Annual Conference being held in Indianapolis, Indiana November 5-7, 2009. Only NMSA member schools are eligible. If you are not a member, join today.

National Middle School Association
4151 Executive Parkway, Suite 300 Westerville, OH 43081
614-895-4730 l 800-528-6672 l (fax) 614-895-4750
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Effective Classroom Assessment by Catherine Garrison, Dennis Chandler, & Michael Ehringhaus

Inventing Powerful Pedagogy by Ross Burkhardt

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Indianapolis, IN
November 5-7, 2009
Keynote Speakers:
Daniel Pink,
Rick Wormeli

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April 22-23, 2010