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Anti-abortion activist Lila Rose, who uses undercover ruses to film sting videos at Planned Parenthood clinics, addresses the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.
By Live Action, Religion News Service
Catholic activist Lila Rose uses deceptive video tactics against Planned Parenthood that trouble...more

    Faith & Reason: Join the conversation

    Lego versions of Prince William and Kate Middleton wed at Westminster Abbey. The real couple's officiant, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, says the ceremony is about us all.
    Will, Kate's wedding good for humanity: Archbishop.
    Evangelist Franklin Graham likes Donald Trump, shown here in March, as a candidate, expects Sarah Palin won't run.
    Where does Trump worship? Church of Evangelical Voters?
    Oklahoma has made
    Why just state guns or roses? Okla. sings a gospel song.
    Readers at the Forum have a lively discussion under way on whether this Christian ritual still matters? What do you think?

    Religion videos

    In-depth reports on U.S. faith

    How far is Heaven? Half think half will make it.
    Maps, charts break down differences, similarities in USA.
    See changes in U.S. religious landscape over 18 years.
    Know Bible nature verses? Publishers go green.

    Religious leaders

    Relive 1st U.S. trip through maps, photos.
    What the Tibetan Buddhist leader teaches.
    Ingrid Mattson: 1st woman-convert to lead Muslim group.

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