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U.S. Army Pvt. Timothy Goldsmith, center, uses a mine detector while on patrol last week in Kandahar province.
By Behrouz Mehri, AFP/Getty Images
More U.S. troops were wounded by roadside bombs in 2010 than in the first eight years of the war.

    Discuss combat and learn more

    Practice makes perfect, but not every soldier drills.
    Forum: Share thoughts on modern combat.
    IED deaths were up; better armor was needed.
    Cougar can protect troops from dreaded IEDs.
    Commanders had requested safer vehicles.


    A look at how delays hampered the military's ability to counter increasingly sophisticated roadside bombs.


    Popular site for military info has an IED primer explaining different types of bombs, how they work and their frequency of use.
    Advocacy group focuses on veterans' issues and military policies. Has lobbied Congress on matters such as body armor and vets' health care.
    Pentagon organization brings different service branches together to work on ways to fight IEDs.
    Group offers information, programs and services, including help for injured and/or disabled veterans.
    Congress' nonpartisan analysis arm recently updated its IED report. The file is hosted on the site of the Federation of American Scientists.
    Online directory published by the Office of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

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