01.14.10 -- 2:36PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (10)

Great Moments in Intellectual Property

These are great days for the Tea Party movement. But could they lose the rights to their collective name?

It turns out that one Tea Partier, Fred O'Neal of Florida who actually had had little involvement with the movement, registered the "Tea Party" name in his state in order to set up his own political party. And now he's pressing other Tea Party activists in the state to rename their groups because he owns 'Tea Party'.

And now he claims to have rights to the name across the nation.

--Josh Marshall

01.14.10 -- 1:11PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (11)


It appears that a deal has been struck between labor and the White House (though there are lots of players here, including, of course, the House and Senate) on the excise tax on "Cadillac" health insurance plans. Details still to come. This doesn't mean a final bill has been agreed to, but it was one of the major sticking points.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 12:10PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (107)

Brown Framed?

Sheesh, what has the world come to if you can't trust the Boston Globe?

Over the last day or so, we've been reporting how Mass GOP senate candidate Scott Brown said he was unfamiliar with the "Tea Party Movement", notwithstanding their campaigning for him and now lots of photos and video of his addressing Tea Party events.

But it seems like the original report in the Boston Globe was just wrong, or at least way overwritten.

Read more »

--Josh Marshall

01.14.10 -- 11:53AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (32)

Please Tell Me This Is Sarcasm

The Morning Joe crew was having some fun today with Sarah Palin's inability to identify her favorite Founding Father without some prodding from Glenn Beck. But listen here at about the 1:00 mark, does Mika Brzezinski really chime in that her pick would have been Lincoln? Say it ain't so, Mika!

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 11:47AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (6)

It's Not Just Harry Reid

No Democrat is polling very well right now in the Nevada Senate race.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 11:00AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (6)

Welcome to New York Politics!

Politico got some great quotes from Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) popping the Harold Ford for Senate trial balloon with withering humor.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 10:52AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (4)

Drunk or Duped?

TPMmuckraker has been poking around on the new murder case against (now former) Blackwater operatives in Afghanistan. Today, we have the defendants' side of the story, including photographs of the wrecked Land Cruiser that was involved (either directly or indirectly, depending on which side you're on) in the shooting incident that led to the murder charges.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 10:45AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (20)

Big Fibbin'

Politicians shouldn't tell lies. But they especially shouldn't tell really silly lies that can be easily proven with Google or a few craft TPM Readers. As Christina Bellantoni noted yesterday, Republican senate candidate Scott Brown said yesterday that he wasn't even familiar with the Tea Party movement, let alone a part of it. But then last night our readers found pictures and video of Brown from his own website addressing Tea Party events back in April.

And now it turns out he was the guest of honor at an official Tea Party "Breakfast with Brown" only a week and a half ago.

--Josh Marshall

01.14.10 -- 10:42AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (7)

The Mind Reels

The numbers are so staggering as to be almost meaningless, but the Red Cross is tackling the disaster in Haiti based on an estimate of 45,000-50,000 dead and 3 million injured or homeless.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 9:59AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (4)

Crunch Time

After a marathon eight-hour White House session yesterday to close the deal on health care reform, word this morning is that negotiators will have a final package ready by this weekend.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 9:58AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (9)

For The Record

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter charged in Internet sex sting involving cop posing as 15-year-old girl.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 9:24AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (4)

TPMDC Morning Roundup

Gov. Rick Perry withdraws Texas from federal program offering up to $700 million in education grants: "We would be foolish and irresponsible to place our children's future in the hands of unelected bureaucrats and special-interest groups thousands of miles away in Washington." That and the day's other political news in the TPMDC Morning Roundup.

--David Kurtz

01.14.10 -- 9:16AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (11)

What A Difference A Dodd Makes

New poll of Connecticut Senate race: Democrat Richard Blumenthal is crushing Republican front-runner Rob Simmons, 62-27.

--David Kurtz

01.13.10 -- 11:59PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (33)


Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown told reporters today that he's "unfamiliar" with the "Tea Party movement." But TPM Reader NM just showed us that his own campaign site features at least two pictures of Brown addressing Tea Party events.

--Josh Marshall

01.13.10 -- 9:48PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (22)

Do Say?

Not only is Scott Brown not a member of the Tea Party Movement -- he says he's never even heard of it.

--Josh Marshall

01.13.10 -- 9:16PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (60)

Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' On Palin

I have to admit this is pretty good stuff from Glenn Beck. Recalling Katie Couric's famous 2008 question to Sarah Palin about which newspapers and magazines she reads, Beck tonight asked Palin who her favorite Founding Father is. She gave the identical painfully awkward response: "All of them." To which Beck replied, "Bullcrap" -- and pressed her to answer. Watch.

Special Bonus Update: Beck and Palin also publicly offer to co-host Saturday Night Live.

--David Kurtz

01.13.10 -- 5:56PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (22)

SLIDESHOW: 'Situation Is Horrific'

Among the dead in Haiti, tragically, are at least 14 UN staffers. More photographs of the devastation:

image content

--David Kurtz

01.13.10 -- 5:49PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (8)

All on the Line

Ted Kennedy's widow, Vicki Kennedy sends a heartfelt email to voters on behalf of Martha Coakley.

--Josh Marshall

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Adieu, Adieu

Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) Retiring From House

The longtime favorite of conservative activists has announced that he will retire from the House this year.


Nadler: Go Home, Harold Ford!

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) assails Harold Ford, Jr., who's contemplating a run for Senate in New York, as an outsider with no connection to the state.

  • Weiner Pops Ford's Trial Balloon
  • Rugged Individualism

    Florida Lawyer Claims Rights To Tea Party Name

    The latest conservative activist to be charged with co-opting the Tea Party movement for personal gain registered the "Tea Party" as an official political party, then asserted rights to the Tea Party name.

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