
Does the Death of bin Laden Really Change Anything?
Michael Filozof
There is a lot that it doesn't change. More

About Those Oil Subsidies
Randall Hoven
It turns out that they are all tax "breaks." I even hesitate to call them "breaks" because some of them amount to little more than Congress defining accounting terms. More

Professors Gone Wild
Stuart Schwartz
The federal government, led by the largest contingent of academics ever to inhabit the Beltway, is failing More

Obama's Illegal Lottery
William A. Levinson
Obama's documented use of internet gambling to raise money for his 2008 campaign could end his presidency at the convenience of any member of Congress who turns it into An Issue That Won't Go Away. More

The Inconsistent Liberal Mind
Peter Heck
Intellectual honesty is not the order of the day in the modern liberal mind -- a place where if it weren't for double standards, there seemingly would be no standards at all. More

The Boom America is Forfeiting
Jeffrey Folks
Australians are partying like it's 1999, but for Americans it's more like 1937. The blame can be laid at the feet of Obama and the Democrats. More

Are Democratic Elections Feasible in the Middle East?
Robert Weissberg
After the Ottoman Empire's demise following WWI, Britain installed monarchies in the region as the "natural" political arrangement. Maybe a benign authoritarian regime is not so terrible in the context. More

Obama's Hockey Stick: The Federal Debt
Greg Richards
We aren't dead yet, but this is one trend that truly spells crisis ahead. More

Previous Articles

American Thinker Blog

The Baehr Essentials
May 02, 2011
So who carried out the mission? It appears that it was a team which the odious Seymour Hersh in a New Yorker article called Dick Cheney's Assassination Squad. More

Thank God for Obama's Broken Promises
May 02, 2011
After campaigning for years on closing Guantanamo Bay military prison, and actually signing an order to do so in 2009, Obama abruptly reversed himself in March, 2011. Good thing, too. More

Was there a deal to pull out of Afghanistan for getting OBL?
May 02, 2011
A question from Harry the Spook More

We Did Not Fail
May 02, 2011
We did not waver, we did not tire, we did not falter...and we did not fail. More

Playing the Race Card Against Matriculationists
May 02, 2011
Now it's racist to want to see Obama's grades. The left has gone nuts over curiosity about OBama's documentation. More

Privatize Social Security - A necessary step to restore fiscal health to America
May 02, 2011
Chile's 30 year anniversary of privatization of social security demonstrates why we should follow. More

The West May Not Be Over Yet
May 02, 2011
The young Americans who filled the streets chanting "USA! USA!" to celebrate bin Laden's execution, they have grown up in a world where Hollywood obsessively demonized the U.S. military More

Obama gets Osama
May 02, 2011
Oddly, the US already had the guy who actually planned the 911 attacks: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. But the FBI did not have enough evidence on Osama bin Laden to pin the 911 attacks on him. More

Bin Laden's Burial and Our Dhimmitude
May 02, 2011
Isn't that grotesquely hypocritical if Bin Laden's acts were "anti-Islamic"? More

The 'T word' for Bin Laden, but only an 'M' rating for Hamas
May 02, 2011
If you attack America, you're a "terrorist" but if you attack Israel, you're a "militant"? More

Top Ten Problems for Liberals on OBL's Death
May 02, 2011
Uh oh. Won't this now be a great recruiting tool for Al Qaeda? More

Now Can We Stop Condemning Israel for Targeted Assasinations?
May 02, 2011
The double standard that will not die. More

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Bin Laden's Last Stop

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