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12/09/2012 01:2012/09/2012 01:2012/09/2012 01:20

Olmert: Israel ruled by far-right leaders

In special interview, former PM Ehud Olmert explains his decision not to run in upcoming elections, accuses Bibi, Lieberman of alienating US after backing at UN
Full Story . . . 

Ehud Olmert (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

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Egypt's Morsi amends decree
Cairo announces Nov. 22 decree to be modified, but referendum will be held on schedule
Mohammed Morsi (Photo: AFP)
Syria: Rebels may use WMDs
Foreign Ministry says Damascus would never use chemical weapons against civilians
Bashar Assad (Photo: Reuters)
'US not diminishing ME role'
US officials insist Washington not realigning itself toward Asia at Mideast's expense
John McCain (Photo: Reuters)
West's pet conflict
Op-ed: Europe obsessing over Israel-Arab conflict to avoid tackling real Mideast problems
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Photo: AP)
Mashaal and Haniyeh (Photo: Reuters) 
Mashaal: Hamas won't recognize Israel
Italy thwarts arms smuggling with Israel's help
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Nasrallah: Corruption bigger threat than Israel
Roi Kais (14:55 , 12.08.12 )
Obama wishes Jewry happy Hanukkah
Yitzhak Benhorin (11:48 , 12.08.12 ) 
Report: Iran warships dock in Sudan
News agencies (11:47 , 12.08.12 )
'Iran no longer seeks long-range missiles'
Reuters (10:00 , 12.08.12 )
Report: Egypt nabs leader of Benghazi cell
Yitzhak Benhorin (07:38 , 12.08.12 )
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Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (Photo: Reuters) 
Choosing Hamas/ Alex Fishman
Rights: Israeli society oppresses women
Sami Michael
Sports fans: Nazis on the court
Emanuel Rosen
Stalled talks: Seize the opportunity
Ami Ayalon
Settlement building: We're going to pay
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Photo courtesy of the Faith and Holocaust Institute for Education and Research 
Rare Shoah images from Nazi albums
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Business & Finance
Nespresso raises capsule prices 5%
Israel to get iPhone 5 on December 14
David Shear (14:19 , 12.07.12 )
VF fashion opening stores in Israel
Navit Zommer (07:21 , 12.07.12 )
Israel ranks 39th in corruption index
Avital Lahav (15:45 , 12.06.12 )
Teva CEO pressured to restore stock price
Reuters (08:02 , 12.06.12 )
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Culture & Leisure
The Maccabeats (Photo: Eli Mendelboum) 
Maccabeats 'shine' on Hanukkah 
Palestinians building on Bethlehem brand  
Israeli documentaries on Oscar shortlist
Amir Kaminer
US groups protest Israel cultural boycott
Ran Boker
New boutique hotel opens in Tel Aviv
Miriam Kutz
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Mannequin protest outside Zara in Tel Aviv mall (Photo: Yair Meyuhas) 
Greenpeace: 'Toxic fashion' campaign successful  
UN summit extends Kyoto Protocol to 2020
Associated Press
Tsunami hits Japan after 7.3-magnitude quake
Buenos Aires suffers toxic gas scare
News agencies  
Sudan nabs Israeli 'spy' vulture
Roi Kais
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Video stories
Photo: Shutterstock 
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Angelina Jolie visits Syrian refugees in Jordan
Roi Kais (18:36 , 12.07.12 ) 
Hamas' Mashaal in Gaza for first time
Elior Levy (13:45 , 12.07.12 ) 
Israel's UN envoy on PA bid, Mideast turmoil (08:47 , 12.07.12 ) 

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