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27th December 2012 – National Review Online

Obama Needs to Push EU to Ban Hezbollah

Benjamin Weinthal

Obama Needs to Push EU to Ban Hezbollah

Senator Joseph Lieberman (I., Conn.) sponsored a resolution earlier this month urging “the President to make available to European allies and the European public information about Hizballah’s terrorist activities.” more...

21st December 2012 – Standpoint

Tackling Tehran

Emanuele Ottolenghi

Tackling Tehran

With each passing month, Iran appears closer to the nuclear capability threshold everyone expects to be a regional game-changer. With diplomacy unable to yield a desirable compromise and widespread... more...

21st December 2012 – The Long War Journal

‘Foreigners’ Reported Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan

Bill Roggio

‘Foreigners’ Reported Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan

The US launched its first airstrike in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agencies in 11 days, killing four "militants," possibly inkling some foreigners. The remotely-piloted Predators... more...

20th December 2012 – NOW Lebanon

A Historic Settlement?

Tony Badran

On Monday, the Hezbollah-aligned al-Akhbar published an interview with Syria’s Vice President Farouq al-Sharaa entitled “Decisive military victory is an illusion. The solution is a historic settlement.” more...

20th December 2012 – Scripps Howard News Service

Jews in the Judean Desert?

Clifford D. May

Jews in the Judean Desert?

More than 40,000 people have been slaughtered in Syria and the death toll rises daily. The European Union does not appear to be particularly concerned. North Korea’s rulers have launched a three-stage rocket... more...

20th December 2012 –

FDD Applauds Canada for Designating Iran’s Quds Force a Terrorist Group

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies congratulates Canada for designating the Iranian regime’s Quds Force as a terrorist organization. more...

15th December 2012 – The Jerusalem Post

Will EU Heed Washington’s Calls to Ban Hezbollah?

Benjamin Weinthal

Will EU Heed Washington’s Calls to Ban Hezbollah?

US senators urged the European Union last week, in a resolution sponsored by Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Connecticut), to take sanctions action against Hezbollah in Europe. more...

13th December 2012 – Foreign Policy

After Abbas

Jonathan Schanzer

After Abbas

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas went to the United Nations last month and brought his people one step closer to statehood. But amid all the fanfare, Western diplomats quietly conceded that the General Assembly... more...