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Worldchanging Timeline: 2003-2009

We here at Worldchanging just celebrated our sixth anniversary! In addition to publishing a series of "101" posts, highlighting some of the iconic pieces we've published over the years, and a primer on blogs and other resources we lean heavily upon, we though that it might also be useful to share a timeline of the project so far, noting some...
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Blogs We Love: Worldchanging Media Partners and More
When Worldchanging was first created it was unique. In a media world dominated by news of pessimistic futures and small...
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Worldchanging 101: An Anniversary Collection
Worldchanging is six years old today! To celebrate our sixth anniversary, we've created a collection of what you might...
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What If Climate Action Actually Accelerates Economic Growth?
Economics is not my strong suit, but I'm trying to wrap my brains around the economic discussion of climate action...
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Former Industrial Sites: Ideal for Renewable Energy Projects
Yale Environment 360, 9 Oct 09 The U.S. government has identified 4,100 contaminated industrial sites, covering more than 5 million acres, suitable for building wind, solar, and geothermal power installations. With concern about renewable energy projects being built on pristine lands, the construction of wind...
Two Big Steps For Walkability
Clark Williams-Derry, 9 Oct 09 Big progress in mapping walkable neighborhoods. It's been a big week for walkability, with two steps forward for online mapping of pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods:Walk Score -- which has become North America's most prevalent gauge of neighborhood walkability -- is going...
European Offshore Wind Projects Confront Challenging Seas
Ben Block, 9 Oct 09 Rødby, Denmark--As the winds blowing over Lolland Island turned a morning drizzle into a cold shower, Bjarne Haxgart told his crew that, as on many days this past August, they would stay indoors. This year we have had an...

India Steps Up Climate Change Efforts
WorldChanging Team, 7 Oct 09 By Anna da Costa As international climate negotiations progress this week in Bangkok, Thailand, India has shown signs of more proactive engagement on climate change issues both internationally and at home.While the Indian government continues to emphasize poverty alleviation...
Don Tapscott And Learning From Our Kids
Ethan Zuckerman, 7 Oct 09 I’m in Providence, Rhode Island today speaking at BIF-5 – the Business Innovation Factory’s fifth annual storytelling conference. I’ll be doing my best to blog when not on stage.Don Tapscott tells us that the children of the baby boom...
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