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As the debate continues on health care reform, medical experts believe primary-care physicians need to launch a full-fledged attack against obesity because it cuts years off people's lives, reduces their quality of life and accounts for billions of extra dollars in health expenses.
As the debate continues on health care reform, medical experts believe primary-care physicians need to launch a full-fledged attack against obesity because it cuts years off people's lives, reduces their quality of life and accounts for billions of extra dollars in health expenses.
By Katye Martens, USA TODAY
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Reported rapes have fallen to the lowest level in 20 years as DNA evidence helps send more rapists to prison.
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By Jeff Haynes, Reuters
Alexi Casilla's single in the bottom of the 12th inning scored Carlos Gomez and the Minnesota took the AL Central tiebreaker Tuesday night.
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By Peter Muhly, Reuters
Andy Pettitte (37), Derek Jeter (35), Jorge Posada (38) and Mariano Rivera (39) are gearing up for what may be their last run together.
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By Mandel Ngan, AFP/Getty Images
Members of Congress who met with President Obama differed on the requirements for sending more U.S. troops to a war that is 8 years old.
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By Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images
Since Sept. 21, Jay Leno's NBC show has finished in last place every night, and Monday he claimed a lowest-yet 4.5 million viewers.
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By Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY
The explosive growth of mobile has paid for Internet radio service Slacker. About 35% of new registrants each day are BlackBerry owners.
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Is the vaccine safe? What are the symptoms? When should you keep your child out of school? Everything you want to know about swine flu.