APS Journals Highlights

prlimage for v107 i04

On PRL's Cover

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Physics seeks Assistant Editor

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Physical Review Focus: Landmarks: Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field

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Editorial: Redefining Length

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Editorial: Two Years of a Reinvigorated PRL

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rmpimage for v83 i02

On RMP's Cover

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APS Updates all Scanned Archival PDFs in our Physical Review Online Archive

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American Physical Society continues as MathJax Supporter

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Physical Review X: What does it offer?
Some opening words from the editors

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APS Issues Call for Papers for Physical Review X

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Editorial: Uncertainty Estimates

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Deepest care and concern for colleagues in Japan

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"Could Cornstarch Have Plugged BP's Oil Well?": NPR report on a PRL Letter

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