NSDL is the Nation's online library for education and research in
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.


Shining a Light on Physics: Fiber Optics and Digital Photography

Charles K. Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith - Nobel prize winners in Physics for 2009. This week’s announcement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honors these scientists for their foundational work in areas that have revolutionized modern life: information technology, and digital photography. It’s a great opportunity to utilize NSDL’s ComPADRE Physics & Astronomy digital library to locate resources from multiple collections in the areas of fiber optics, lasers, and photoelectric effect, including Physics Classroom (tutorials for students), Physical Sciences Resource Center (PSRC), Physics Source introductory physics course materials, Physics to Go (self exploration of physics topics) and many more.

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DLESE's mission is to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth System, by developing, managing, and providing access to high-quality educational resources and supporting services through a community-based, distributed digital library.
NSDL Pathways News

Click here if you are submitting a proposal to the NSF-NSDL funding program
Funded by the National Science FoundationChemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/Reduction2009 NSDL Annual Meeting - From Digital Libraries to Cyberlearning - November 17-19th at the Marriott Metro Center in Washington, DC.