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No more tax problems!

Government is not the answer, nor is Obama

Ronald Reagan said it best.  Big Government is never the answer it is the problem!  It always masks itself at first as the savior, problem solver, and the defender of the poor and most needy.  We saw this kind of seduction and bold takeover strategy by Castro in Cuba,  Hitler in Germany, Mussolini and Stalin to name a few.  They didn’t gain power so quickly by stating their plans to control all media, seize all guns, land and food supplies.  They didn’t talk about the mass murders and torture to come once the seduction and distraction wore off.   They engorged themselves on the societal worship they received while they planned their reigns of destruction and horror.  Millions sat back and let them do it as they prayed for them! Continue reading Government is not the answer, nor is Obama

The sky is falling, the dollar is tanking and hydrocarbon fuels are to blame

Don’t you just love the other shoe dropping on our dollar in the Middle East?  This is a shoe with cleats attempting to smash us into submission and 3rd world status.  Some of the naïve and ever so carbon obsessed left must be shocked that the Gulf states are now planning to move away from the U.S. dollar in dealings with oil. These folks are moving to create a unified currency and using currencies of Saudi Arabia (what friends….so loyal),  Abu Dhabi,  Kuwait (aren’t you glad we spent billions rescuing Kuwait from Iraq?) and Qatar.  They are also planning to use the Japanese yen, Chinese yuan and the euro.  The bottom line is our dollar is falling, international greed is prevailing and loyalty means a whole lot of bull rot. Continue reading The sky is falling, the dollar is tanking and hydrocarbon fuels are to blame


The arguments are flaring between Democrats and lying insults are flying against Republicans.  We certainly recall Rep.  Joe Wilson’s trouble when he called President Obama a liar during Obama’s last speech to congress.  Wilson was practically called every name in the book even though he immediately apologized to the President.  Still, many have demanded that he apologizes to the whole congress and be censored.   Bad Joe……….bad for pointing out one lie and not calling him liar through the entire speech.  I counted 7 lies myself. Continue reading TOTAL CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES, NOT HEALTH CARE

I’m not crawling under the bed…bring on the sticks and stones

This week I was amazed to discover whom I was out in la la land.   Someone has apparently grabbed my name and email and is playing around in sexual chats.  I’m getting requests and emails for more.  It sounds like I’m a frustrated lesbian.  I’ll make sure I tell gorgeous, hunk, husband Rich, just in case that bothers him.   Continue reading I’m not crawling under the bed…bring on the sticks and stones

US Sovereignty and freedom is being hacked to death

Global elites have positioned for control over the US for decades.  They have maneuvered their way into groups with massive money and political power.  Certainly not all business and banking is corrupt but many key domains of influence, manipulation and betrayal are going on right before our dimmed eyes.  They seek to rule in the Corporate, Political and Academic world and are gaining dangerous ground.   Continue reading US Sovereignty and freedom is being hacked to death

Body, energy and health police, oh my!

For such a smooth-tongued dictator as Heir Obama, it is rather reflective of the real onion under the skin when looking at the czars and Obama administration.  One of the most smashing “tyrant extension hammers” would be John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.  This is the man who wrote in his 1977 science text book on population control that he thought forced abortion and sterilization were appropriate and a worthy goal for women.   He liked the technique of putting sterilants in the drinking water.  Apparently this gift was to sterilize and force abortions through out the culture.  He also has said that abortion is healthier for the pregnant woman than carrying a baby full term.  It sounds like with the direction of this joker we’d do better with a witch Doctor in Batswana and a chain saw. Continue reading Body, energy and health police, oh my!

The Anti American, nut, ACORN has finally cracked

Congress finally cut taxpayer funds to ACORN the glowing community service organization that has made the Gambino crime family look wholesome.  It is sad, but the more I hear of community service organizations and Obama’s involvement in them,  you immediately think of falsified votes,  dead people voting,  folks voting several times, celebrities voting in districts they have never lived in and good old fashioned fraud.  Continue reading The Anti American, nut, ACORN has finally cracked

Who is calling who names?

During Heir Obama’s most recent speech on health care to congress,  Joe Wilson called him a liar during the speech.  Yes, it was ill timed.  Yes, it was rude.  Yes, it was out of order, BUT IT WAS TRUE!  Obama was lying about illegal immigrants not getting care in the health bill.  He is lying about seniors not getting targeted by “death panels”  in forced counseling sessions every 5 years.   They most certainly would be in end of life counseling sessions that would mention assisted suicide as an option.  How dare anyone do that to our parents and Grandparents for any reason! Continue reading Who is calling who names?

The Roth Show is looking for new advertisers

If you have a business or service that is trying to find new and loyal customers, try the growing, national radio audience of Laurie Roth.  The repetition of radio has long been known to get response and yield outstanding results.  It is way less expensive to advertise on this national radio show then you might think.  Email Laurie Roth directly for details at:

Crazy people are running the Asylum

Just when you thought you had heard the worst of the Czars under Obama,  He blows our ever living minds again.  We got used to the endless tax cheats running chunks of the country and anti American socialists trying to run our lives and then there was the precious Van Jones,  the greens czar.  He was going to fix our environment and make sure we were green in our business style and choices.  He made us green all right.  I’m still trying to get color back in my cheeks after listening to his communistic, whining, potty mouth again and again.  My favorite moment of Van of course was his celebrating with the Palestinians and Arab Muslims the attack on America the day after 9/11 2001.  Lets have a moment of silence shall we?  

Continue reading Crazy people are running the Asylum