
Half-Learned Lessons

October 9, 2009

Ten years after the National Center for Academic Transformation began course redesigns, early adopters applaud learning outcomes but remain ambivalent about the cost reduction.


The Social Media Maze

October 9, 2009

Colleges are eager to leverage Facebook and Twitter to boost recruiting and fund raising, but many still don't have a coherent strategy for how to do it.


Remediation Worries and Successes

October 9, 2009

At national gathering of community college trustees, many search for answers -- and some colleges report strategies that may be working.


Risky Business

October 9, 2009

High risk, high reward research may have the most promise of changing lives, but funding remains elusive, a Congressional committee hears Thursday.


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Time Off for Good Behavior

October 9, 2009

David Galef shares a memo distributed by the henchman (er, administrator) hired to enforce the furloughs at U of All People.


Career Advice

Caught in the Middle

October 9, 2009

A department chair feels squeezed between senior administrators who want reform and senior professors who don't. C.K. Gunsalus considers the options.


Around the Web

Republicans and science, in Thoughts From Kansas.... Philosophers and women in Feminist Philosophers....
