An Accidental Arrangement

Tim Parkin has discovered landscape photography at a late age and is trying his best to make up for lost time. After a year spent with a digital SLR, his 40th birthday was a trip to the Hebrides in a viking long house with David Ward and Richard Childs (two of the best landscape photographers in the UK). The large format obsession that infected him over that week has culminated in a recent exhibit of one of his pictures at the National Theatre as part of the Landscape Photographer of the Year awards. Tim is looking forward to what surprises his third year in photography has in store. If you want to learn more about what makes Tim tick, you can read his blog and also a brief summary career history and path to landcape photographer in the about section.

I've been posting lots of articles and have just created an index of them which you can view here. Landscape Photographer Articles

Images will soon be available for sale directly through the website. In the interim please contact us by phone or email. Alternatively, check the News page or the blog for updates

Tim primarily works in Yorkshire including the dales and some moors but has made a few visits to Glencoe in Scotland and Northumberland. More pictures from the Peak District and Lake District soon.

Latest Blog Posts

30 October 2012

Landscape Photographer of the Year

I told myself I wouldn’t post anything about the landscape photographer of the year competition this year but a few pictures have made me think twice. I’ll ignore the controversy over the winning image (Alex Nail has written well about this already hereĀ - however my one major doubt... more
13 October 2012

“Great British Landscapes” – A New Photography Magazine

What the hell I’ve been doing for the last couple of months!!! Well I can finally tell everyone what it is I’ve been doing for the last few months. In short, Joe Cornish and I have set up a company that is creating a Britain oriented, online landscape photography magazine. In long,... more
24 September 2012

Limestone Pavement

I’ve had a project in the back of my mind for a couple of years now but haven’t had time to get it started but I have been planning it, researching locations, working out the ideas of a theme, etc. The project idea came about when I was trying to find something globally unique to [...]... more


"We wanted to portray a professional image to our customers and so we acquired art by Joe Cornish, Graham Ibbeson, Ashley Jackson and Tim Parkin to enhance our restaurant and reception areas." - Three Albion Place, Leeds