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PyPI - the Python Package Index

The Python Package Index is a repository of software for the Python programming language. There are currently 26689 packages here.
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2013-01-03 django-singlerecord 0.1.1 Abstraction for models with only one record for Django
2013-01-03 zc.buildout 1.7.0b2 System for managing development buildouts
2013-01-03 ChemTagger 1.0.0 A tagger for chemical entities
2013-01-03 py9p 1.0.8 9P Protocol Implementation
2013-01-03 porteira 0.4 API responsible for validating XML structures and generate python structures.
2013-01-03 objectfs 0.2.9 Simple Python VFS module
2013-01-03 sikahelloworld 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 django-reversion-compare 0.3.5 history compare for django-reversion
2013-01-03 django-buckeye-corpus 0.2.2 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 python-praat-scripts 0.1.6 Interface for running Praat scripts through Python
2013-01-03 pybamboo 0.5.6 A Python package to interact with
2013-01-03 omnigraffle-export 1.5.1 A command line utility that exports omnigraffle canvases files into various formats.
2013-01-03 beanstalk-stack 0.1.24 Django base for common use
2013-01-03 pytz 2012j World timezone definitions, modern and historical
2013-01-03 linguistic-helper-functions 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 django-celex-lexicon 0.1.7 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 symposion 1.0b1.dev46 A collection of Django apps for conference websites.
2013-01-03 jsonpatch 0.12 Apply JSON-Patches (according to draft 08)
2013-01-03 db 0.0.6 Databases for Humans
2013-01-03 pyspreedly 2.0.1 API for spreedly
2013-01-03 dse 4.0.0-beta DSE - Simplified "bulk" insert/update/delete for Django.
2013-01-03 ground-soil 0.1.5 Django base for common use
2013-01-03 django-spreedly 2.0.5 django-spreedly integrates support for the spreedly subscription service
2013-01-03 bootstrapper 0.1.1 Bootstrap Python projects with virtualenv and pip.
2013-01-03 kkwak428 1.3.3 A simple printer of nested lists
2013-01-03 fswrap 0.1.1 An opinionated wrapper on file system and path functions
2013-01-03 launchbox 0.1.1 Packaging and dependency resolution for chef-solo cookbooks
2013-01-03 route53-transfer 0.1.1 Backup and restore Route53 zones, or transfer between AWS accounts.
2013-01-03 txcurrentcost 0.0.2 txcurrentcost is a Python Twisted package that allows you to monitor your CurrentCost device.
2013-01-03 collective.portlet.collectionmultiview 2.1.3 A collection portlet product which supports multiple views
2013-01-03 keepassdb 0.2.1 Python library for reading and writing KeePass 1.x databases.
2013-01-03 PyVMF 1.0.0 A Python library for editing Source Engine VMF files
2013-01-03 django-site-utils 0.1a1 Django site-wide management commands and utilities.
2013-01-03 tail-tools 0.10 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 sentimental-skk 0.0.53 三 ┏( ^o^)┛ < Japanese Input Method SKK (Simple Kana to Kanji conversion) on your terminal
2013-01-03 nesoni 0.94 UNKNOWN
2013-01-03 madame 0.1.0 RESTful API for MongoDB built on Flask
2013-01-03 assembla 2.0.0 Python wrapper for the Assembla API
2013-01-03 cymysql 0.5.1 Python MySQL Driver powered by Cython
2013-01-03 django-all-access 0.4.1 django-all-access is a reusable application for user registration and authentication from OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers such as Twitter and Facebook.

And now for something completely different...

Customer: Now then, some cheese please, my good man.
Owner: (lustily) Certainly, sir. What would you like?
Customer: Well, eh, how about a little red Leicester.
Owner: I'm, a-fraid we're fresh out of red Leicester, sir.