News & Features

gear rust

Next-gen Rust language moves to 1.0 alpha

A beta release for the systems programming language is expected for February with a general 1.0 release to follow

Paul Krill


Review: The big 4 Java IDEs compared

Find out how Eclipse, NetBeans, JDeveloper, and IntelliJ IDEA stack up today in capabilities and ease of use.

Rick Grehan

Try out JavaScript 6 features while you wait for the real thing

The 6to5 project, a transpiler that transforms ECMAScript 6 code into completely backward-compatible ECMAScript 5 code, works with existing build systems and environments like Node.js.

Serdar Yegulalp


Java seeks stronghold in networking for Internet of things

The Kona Project, proposed this week, would define and implement Java APIs for networking technologies and protocols commonly used in IoT.

Paul Krill

5 Tips from Intuit for Implementing Static Code Analysis

Learn how the implementation of static analysis at Intuit led to reduced technical, improved code quality and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Try out JavaScript 6 features while you wait for the real thing

The 6to5 project, a transpiler that transforms ECMAScript 6 code into completely backward-compatible ECMAScript 5 code, works with existing build systems and environments like Node.js.

Serdar Yegulalp

microservices in 2015

Why 2015 will be the year of microservices

Promising to accelerate Web and mobile app dev, microservices architecture is a developer-driven phenomenon that many enterprises will benefit from in 2015.

Eric Knorr

Woman scratching her head with arrows and question marks around her

How to salvage a (nearly) hopeless software project

Faulty foundations, AWOL contractors, bugs piling up -- here’s what to do before taking a sledgehammer to a faltering pile of code.

Paul Heltzel

google cloud

Google hitches cloud data analysis to Java SDK

Google Cloud Dataflow is based on FlumeJava but can be extended to other languages and environments.

Paul Krill

Coding with JRebel: Java Forever Changed

With JRebel, developers get to see their code changes immediately, fine-tune their code with incremental changes, debug, explore and deploy their code with ease, and ultimately spend more time coding.

Critical vulnerability in Git clients puts developers at risk

Developers using GitHub and GitHub Enterprise are advised to update their Git clients and exercise caution when cloning or accessing Git repositories.

Lucian Constantin

Hands on: Build a Storm analytics solution

Storm lets you create real-time analytics for every conceivable need. Here's a tasty example using Twitter data and source code hosted on GitHub.

Phil Rhodes

happy api

Are your applications API-ly working together?

Application architectures keep evolving. APIs and microservices are the latest style and make applications “API-ly” work together.

Yves de Montcheuil

modular java

Modular Java's changes could break IDEs

As Oracle presses forward with Project Jigsaw, it is notifying developers of potential changes to apps and IDEs that use the JDK.

Paul Krill

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