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Get Organized The Easy Way: Just Add a Calendar Widget

  • Maurice
  • September 14th 2009 at 01:55 PM

Whether you use iCal or Google, get your schedule at-a-glance with a new calendar widget

The end of summer means back to school and back to work, but don’t worry, Netvibes can help keep you on schedule even while you’re browsing your favorite feeds with a new calendar widget.

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10 useful tips for a better Public Page

  • Maurice
  • September 9th 2009 at 05:37 PM

Public Pages are an easy way to create and publish a website. But with more than 300,000 existing Public Pages, standing out is becoming difficult. Here are 10 useful tips that will help you create a Public Page with a better design and higher traffic!

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Weather Widgets for Friends, Family and…Fashion?

  • Maurice
  • September 9th 2009 at 05:00 PM

Free weather widgets let you share your status and even figure out what to wear

Nearly everyone on Netvibes knows about our Weather Widget (it’s been installed nearly 30M times), but did you know it can do more than just tell you about the weather in your city?


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This week’s photography, travel & news widgets to discover !

Art & Travel - If you like photography, here’s an interesting photo gallery, to discover new pics, right from your page : the Art limited widget. It’s a community of photographers  wanting to share their best pics, with everyday  new creative, personal and high quality work to discover. Then have a look at Tweetphoto’s best pics, it’s an instant photo sharing platform! It’s never too late to book holidays!! Check out the Booking widget, you’ll surely find some interresting travel promotions, so install it quickly!Miss_diane_48_us

News – Arsenal supporters now have a dedicated widget to follow their favourite football team! On Arsenal news follow the team’s latest news, check out it’s scores and discover more about the players from behing the scene. Treehugger will help you to find some green ideas to lead a more eco-friendly life! Finally on Yougamers read about gaming news, game and consoles reviews.

Dashboard Widgets: Stick Your Favorites on Your Desktop

Widgets for your dashboard are a great way to see your favorites at a glance

Ever wish you could quickly check on your favorites feeds and widgets from your desktop without opening your browser? Have a certain Netvibes widget that you wish you could use as a dashboard widget instead? Good news: you can. It’s easy to take any universal widget from Netvibes and add it to your OS X Dashboard or Windows Vista Sidebar as a dashboard widget in just a few clicks.

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August’s top widgets !



  1. Fox news
  2. Wall street Journal – blogs

Business & Finance

  2. Sanebull live portfolio
  3. Zen habits


  1. The Rotofeed
  2. Precisesports
  3. Yahoo NFL widget

Tv, movies & music

  2. Starpulse celebrity news
  3. LA Times entertainment

Tools & technology

  2. CyberNet
  3. Technology review

Fun & games

  1. Rainbow wix vegas 2
  2. Commando
  3. Prince of Persia


  1. Due date countdown
  2. Center’d
  3. Pygmy Vortex


  1. Uncrate
  2. Dumb little man
  3. Think geek


  1. Cheap o air
  2. Global Hotel review
  3. Toronto all airports deals

Netvibes Powers, Germany’s Largest Portal

  • Maurice
  • August 28th 2009 at 03:20 PM
  • 1 Comment

T-Online Meine Seite

Hello Deutschland! Today we’re excited to announce our partnership with, Germany’s largest Web portal, to create a special personalized startpage for their millions of users. Together, we created T-Online Meine Seite, where users can create a personalized version of their favorite content feeds from

Check it out at:

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Design and share your own themes

Theme PublishingA few months ago, we opened our labs and introduced Theme Designer. This application allows anyone to rapidly create new themes the easy way, simply by clicking and picking color and design options. Today, we’re happy to announce that Theme Designer is the first project to graduate from Netvibes Labs and is now available for all users. Read the rest of this entry »

Sneak peek: feed widgets live update

Last month, we announced that we are working on the Netvibes Instant Update architecture, a new technology that allow feeds to refresh in near real time. Our engineers are still working hard on it, but we wanted to share our progress with you. Here is a short video (plays 8x faster than normal speed) that shows how feed will update with the new architecture.

We’d love to hear your feedback on that, but please keep in mind that this is work in progress.

Build a Twitter Dashboard–All From a Single Twitter Widget!

Easily create your own real-time dashboard with our new self-replicating Twitter widget

Twitter widget

Last month, we launched our new self-replicating widgets, including a new Twitter widget that let’s you drag-and-drop friends and hashtags to create new Twitter widgets to follow each person or topic. But did you know that you can create a entire Twitter dashboard all from a single, self-replicating Twitter Widget? Here’s how to make your own killer dashboard in less than a minute:

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