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What’s a Widget?

Yeah we get that question a lot. Widgets are simple, fun, and useful applications that can be embedded on a webpage, blog, or social media page.

Chances are you’ve already seen widgets, and recognize them, even if you don’t know them by name. Ever seen a quiz or a game on a friend’s Facebook wall? A countdown to an event on a co-worker’s blog? A YouTube playlist on your wife’s MySpace page? Then chances are you’ve seen a widget before.

Widgets are great because they allow you to easily create customized content with no coding knowledge necessary. If you can type text and choose colors or images, you can make a personalized widget in less than five minutes. Seriously. You can also look through the thousands of developed widgets in our gallery to find fun and useful widgets to install. Browse by tag, topic, or featured lists. Read more about the types of widgets in Widgetbox.

Simple to Build, Simple to Manage

We make it easy to manage and track the widgets you’ve created and/or installed. Simply register for an account and you can edit and save widgets you’ve created, instantly see the widgets you’ve installed, and view stats for any widget you’ve developed.

Multiple Sites Across the Web

Widgetbox widgets can be installed almost anywhere on the web. Install widgets on Facebook pages, Twitter, Blogger, iGoogle, or pretty much any other widget-friendly site. Installation is simple and our installation menu provides a list of many popular sites. Simply click on the site where you’d like the widget to appear and with one click it will be installed.

For developers, our wide selection of installation sites means that for any widget you create, you only need to write the code once, and it can be placed anywhere on the web.

But I’m a Brand or a Business. How Can Widgets Help Me?

Whether you’re a blogger who wants more people to visit your blog, a web developer who wants to easily syndicate your content, or a Fortune 500 company looking to raise brand awareness and increase revenues, Widgetbox widgets can help you achieve your objectives.

Widgetbox serves millions of widgets per day and helps widget owners reach tens of millions of people per month. Widgets help you reach new users, drive traffic back to your site, increase search engine optimization, and extend the reach of your content and services on sites all across the web.

Learn about additional business opportunities on Widgetbox ›

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