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This month's feature

Marine wind forecast

Heading out on the water? Check the Marine winds before you go.

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Forecast for Thursday

Sydney 31° Fine. Mostly sunny.
Melbourne 19° Morning mist. Mostly cloudy.
Brisbane 28° Fine
Perth 19° Fine.
Adelaide 18° Shower or two.
Hobart 14° Shower or two.
Canberra 24° Fine, mostly sunny.
Darwin 33° Afternoon shower about.

Latest Weather

°C Rain since 9 am
Sydney 15° 0.0 mm
Melbourne 14° 0.0 mm
Brisbane 15° 0.0 mm
Perth 0.2 mm
Adelaide 13° 0.0 mm
Hobart 10° 5.6 mm
Canberra 12° 0.0 mm
Darwin 26° 0.0 mm


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